All Americans should use their 20/20 hindsight.
To see this country ruined by the Reagan/Bush blight.
Hedge funds glutted with tax cut investors.
Attracted by hedge fund profit tax favors.
Bubble after bubble the hedge funds created.
Bursting the bubbles, the hedge funds' greed not sated.
The hedge funds and bankers combined their expertise.
To foreclose middle class homes, and their wealth to fleece.
This tax cut investors cabal created the housing bubble.
Then burst it and added that to the country's trouble.
Republican economists conjectured in their parlance,
Alluding to soft spots, and irrational exuberance.
Bailouts to criminal bankers increased our debt.
Two wars, unpaid for, bloated the deficit.
A plan to “starve the beast, Bush's finale dissemble.
Caused the U.S. Treasury to tremble.
Attempts to destroy the new Democratic Presidency.
To return the White House to a Republican residency
A second great depression is the Reagan/Bush legacy.
Nearly destroying this nation with its racketeer mentality.
The “Party of No” dissembled with tax cuts for the rich.
And dissembled further to keep the country stuck in a ditch.
Criminal bankers and mortgagors forgiven and bailed out,
Large corporations paid no taxes, due to corruption's clout.
With the American middle class facing extinction.
Dreams, wealth, homes and jobs vanishing like an illusion.
An uninformed electorate seeking instant gratification.
Voted in many states for the stealthy Reagan/Bush faction.
For the middle class, the people of Wisconsin made a stand.
Giving hope, freedom and democracy a much needed hand.
Wisconsin's shout was heard around the country and the world.
With it, renewed American hope and determination unfurled.
The corrupt and greedy Reagan/Bush racketeer's gall.
Set up this country and its democracy to take a fall.
All Americans must join together to take the country back.
From the greed and corruption of the Reagan/Bush rat pack.