Wednesday, November 30, 2011


We the People must to eliminate governmental “corporatists”.
Insist on primaries for all Democrat conservatives and “centrists”.
Replace the Republican Party with progressive Democrats.
Eliminate from government all influences of greedy plutocrats.

The 99% must free our government of greed and corruption.

Stand up! Fight back! Again, and again!
Don't quit! Keep the faith! We can win! 
Help the 99% revolution takeover congress!
Vote for a progressive congressional democrat!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Now corporations are people that can speak
from corporate media with unlimited money.
When The 99% of “We The People” assemble
to redress grievances they’re gassed, beaten,
robbed of their belongings, and evicted.
Too many have lost their savings, jobs and homes
and have no money with which to speak.
What is to become of us?
Stand up! Fight back! Again, and again!
Don't quit! Keep the faith! We can win!
Help the 99% revolution takeover congress!
Vote for a progressive congressional democrat!

Friday, November 18, 2011

RE: The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission request for NAS to investigate the cancer risks around NRC licensed facilities

Dear Mr. Joe Biden,
Vice President of the United States of America

What follows is a letter I sent to the National Academy of Sciences regarding the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission request for NAS to investigate the cancer risks around NRC licensed facilities.

I implore you to do everything you can to see that the resulting report contains the truth and nothing but the truth.  Generations of Americans are at risk.  Powerful and influential interests may exert irresistible pressure to  bend, twist and hammer the truth into obscurity concerning cancer risks to future generations.  Please do what you can to see that this doesn't happen. 

TO:  The National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

RE:  The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission request for NAS to investigate the cancer risks around NRC licensed facilities

Dear Distinguished Scientists:

I am deeply concerned about cancer risks near nuclear facilities. has my full support.  Please cooperate with them to the fullest extent.

It is time to protect the people of the United States rather than the nuclear industry.

I believe that the California food crop is in danger of contamination from the Fukashima nuclear power plant fallout.  


If satellite photographs of radiation plumes within the U.S. were taken and made public, I am confident that there would be sufficient evidence of unreported nuclear radiation releases to cause great concern for future generations of Americans.

America can completely replace nuclear plants with solar panels and wind turbines in a very short time and create jobs and eliminate America's dependence on foreign oil in twenty years.  Why poison generations of the American people?

Nuclear power generation is an insane idea given the risks!!  Other countries are banning nuclear plants--why not America? Why does America persist in pursuing an insane course regarding power generation when so many other beneficial alternatives exist?

It will take a great amount of courage for you to tell the American people the truth.

Please do not bend, twist and hammer the truth into obscurity concerning cancer risks to future generations.  News comes out daily about how nuclear facilities are not reporting radiation hazards,  Please defend America's future generations.

We need to start negotiating from a position of strength not weakness

Dear Mr. Vice President:   Thank you for your thoughtful, independent and robust defense of the American middle class.  The following is respectfully submitted for your consideration.


The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act proposes a minuscule tax of .03% on financial transactions.That amounts to a tax of 3 cents on a $100 (.0003 x $100). The proposed tax is estimated to raise $350 billion over the next nine years. That amounts to about 39 billion dollars in tax revenue per year. 

We need to start negotiating from a position of strength not weakness. After the 2012 elections the radical right wing Republican Congress may no longer exist.

Democrats should instead be proposing a 1% transaction tax that will raise 11.7 trillion dollars over 9 years or 1.3 trillion per year. That amounts to 33.3 times higher than the proposed minuscule .03% transaction tax. (.0003 x 33.333 = 1%).

A weak minuscule transaction tax system should not be instituted because it will perpetuate the greed and moral corruption of market speculators and manipulators.

A minuscule tax will definitely serve to perpetuate a system of market manipulation that will bring about financial crisis after financial crisis and eventually destroy the middle class completely.

Attempting to use the minuscule transaction tax as a revenue source does not consider the financial harm done to the middle class by wanton  market speculation. 

We've seen it happen!  We get it!  We've been there!  The 99% are demonstrating in the streets throughout the United States.

Wanton financial market speculation by enormous hedge funds manipulate the markets to extract wealth from the middle class for the benefit of the 1%. 

A 1% transaction tax is a win, win proposition.

Perhaps a 1% transaction tax won't stop financial market manipulation. Maybe a 1% transaction tax won't even slow down the market manipulators.

If it doesn't then a 1% transaction tax will raise 11.7 trillion dollars over 9 years or 1.3 trillion per year. That amounts to 33.3 times higher than the proposed minuscule .03% transaction tax. (.0003 x 33.333 = 1%).

Perpetuating the present system of financial market speculation can only give us more of what we got

The proposed miniscule transfer tax, although seemingly well intentioned, seems to walk, look and quack like a right wing nut's dream. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Billionaires are buying America state by state.
2012 elections are a pivotal date.
In 30 states voters are being disenfranchised.
America has been thoroughly corporatized.

Stand up!  Fight back!  Again, and again!
Don't quit!  Keep the faith!  We can win! 

Help the 99% revolution takeover congress!
Vote for a genuine congressional democrat!
Posted by

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


It is time to quit being nice to the financial market manipulators. They are destroying the middle class by manipulating stock and commodity markets. The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act proposes a minuscule tax of .03% on financial transactions. That amounts to a tax of 3 cents on a $100 (.0003 x $100). The proposed tax is estimated to raise $350 billion over the next nine years. That amounts to about 39 billion dollars in tax revenue per year. This minuscule tax can only serve to perpetuate a system of market manipulation that will bring about financial crisis after financial crisis and eventually destroy the middle class completely.

Let's try to stop financial market speculation now. Attempting to use the transaction tax as a revenue source does not consider the financial harm done to the middle class. 

We've seen it happen!  We get it!  The 99% are demonstrating in the streets throughout the United States. Wanton financial market speculation by enormous hedge funds manipulate the markets to extract wealth from the middle class for the benefit of the 1%. A weak transaction tax system should not be instituted that will perpetuate the greed and moral corruption of market manipulators.

There's a popular phrase “a billion dollars here and a billion dollars there and pretty soon your talking real money”. Perhaps a 1% transaction tax won't stop financial market manipulation either. Maybe a 1% transaction tax won't even slow down the market manipulators. If it doesn't then a 1% transaction tax will raise 11.7 trillion dollars over 9 years or 1.3 trillion per year. That amounts to 33.3 times as much as the proposed minuscule .03% transaction tax. (.0003 x 33.333 = 1%)

Whose side is the Democratic Party on? Perpetuating the present system of financial market speculation can only give us more of what we got. It looks like We the People need a regime change in the Democratic Party.