The cost of two wars the 1% refuses to pay.
The 1% pays the Republican Party to pledge that way.
The 99% pay for wars with their taxes, some with their lives.
On war profits, the corruption and greed of the 1% thrives.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Pay for the two wars waged on credit!
Republican pledges to the 1% have no merit!
Ignore the 1% litanies of hate!
Return taxes to Ike's top rate!
Republican pledges to the 1% have no merit!
Ignore the 1% litanies of hate!
Return taxes to Ike's top rate!
The Republican Party is working to take democracy away. The 99% must insure democracy in America is here to stay. American democracy of our fathers must again be won. Act now or democracy in America soon will be gone. Join the 99% revolution! Eliminate the power of the 1% To take over the u.s. Government. Don't quit! Keep the faith! We must win! Stand up! Fight back! Again, and again! Vote for a true and genuine representative government In all the city, county, state, and federal elections. Vote for true and genuine progressive democrats!
For Clarification:
I am with the 99% wholeheartedly. I am glad so many are manning the OWS movement all over the country. Can we try to take over the Democratic Party since they have some progressives?
There are no progressives in the Republican party.
Congress is where the power is.
The president would be controlled by a veto proof congress.
I think that the only way to take over Congress is to put as many progressive democrats
(small d democrats) in Congress as possible.
The 99% are not represented in this Congress. Mostly the 1% are.
The 99% must fight for representation in Congress.
That is why I say in my poem:
Help the 99% revolution takeover congress!
Vote for a true and genuine representative government,
in all the city, county, state, and federal elections.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Democrats Should Propose a 1% Transaction Tax
should propose a 1% transaction tax that will raise 11.7 trillion dollars
over 9 years or 1.3 trillion per year.
That amounts to 33.3 times higher than the Democrats'
proposed minuscule .03% transaction tax. (.0003 x 33.333 = 1%).
Instead “The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act” proposes
a minuscule tax of .03% n financial transactions.
That amounts to a tax of 3 cents on a $100 (.0003 x
$100). The miniscule proposed tax is estimated to raise $350 billion over the
next nine years. That amounts to about 39 billion dollars in tax revenue per
year. (only 3% of the revenue of a 1% miniscule tax.)
A weak minuscule transaction tax system should not be
instituted because it will perpetuate
the greed and moral corruption of market speculators and manipulators.
A minuscule transaction tax will serve to perpetuate a
system of market manipulation that will bring about financial crisis after financial crisis and eventually destroy the
middle class.
The minuscule transaction tax as a revenue source does
not consider the financial harm done
to the middle class by wanton market speculation.
A minuscule transaction tax will continue to
allow bubble after bubble to be created until finally the "big
to fail" banks get another buyout and the middle class gets another
We've seen it happen!
We get it! We've been there!
The 99% are demonstrating in the streets throughout the
United States.
financial market speculation by enormous hedge funds manipulates the markets to
extract wealth from the middle class for the benefit of the 1%.
A 1%
transaction tax is a win, win proposition.
Perhaps a
1% transaction tax won't stop financial market manipulation.
1% transaction tax won't even slow down the market manipulators.
then a 1% transaction tax will raise 11.7 trillion dollars over 9 years or 1.3
trillion per year. That amounts to 33.3
times higher than the proposed minuscule .03% transaction tax. (.0003 x 33.333
= 1%).
Perpetuating the present system of financial
market speculation can only give us more of what we got!
Monday, December 19, 2011
know who they are, we know how they voted.
Republicans’ war on the middle class is duly noted.Alliance with the 1% screams of political greed and corruption.
The 99% of “We the People” must fight for representation.
Republican Party is working to take democracy away.
99% must insure democracy in America is here to stay.American democracy of our fathers must again be won.
Vote 2012 or democracy in America soon will be gone.
the 99% revolution!
Don't let the 1%,
take over the U.S. Government.
Don't quit! Keep the faith! We must win!
Stand up! Fight back! Again, and again!
in all the city, county, state and federal elections.
for a true and genuine 99% representative government.Vote for true and genuine progressive democrats!
Friday, December 16, 2011
A 1% Transaction Tax Is Not Rocket Science.
should be proposing a 1% transaction tax that will raise 11.7 trillion dollars
over 9 years or 1.3 trillion per year.
That amounts to 33.3 times higher than the Democrats'
proposed minuscule .03% transaction tax. (.0003 x 33.333 = 1%).
Instead “The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act”proposes
a minuscule tax of .03% n financial transactions.
That amounts to a tax of 3 cents on a $100 (.0003 x
$100). The miniscule proposed tax is estimated to raise $350 billion over the
next nine years. That amounts to about 39 billion dollars in tax revenue per
year. (only 3% of the revenue of a 1% miniscule tax.)
A weak minuscule transaction tax system should not be
instituted because it will perpetuate
the greed and moral corruption of market speculators and manipulators.
A minuscule transaction tax will serve to perpetuate a
system of market manipulation that will bring about financial crisis after financial crisis and eventually destroy the
middle class.
The minuscule transaction tax as a revenue source does
not consider the financial harm done
to the middle class by wanton market speculation.
A minuscule transaction tax will continue to
allow bubble after bubble to be created until finally the "big
to fail" banks get another buyout and the middle class gets another
We've seen it happen!
We get it! We've been there!
The 99% are demonstrating in the streets throughout the
United States.
financial market speculation by enormous hedge funds manipulate the markets to
extract wealth from the middle class for the benefit of the 1%.
A 1%
transaction tax is a win, win proposition.
Perhaps a
1% transaction tax won't stop financial market manipulation.
1% transaction tax won't even slow down the market manipulators.
then a 1% transaction tax will raise 11.7 trillion dollars over 9 years or 1.3
trillion per year. That amounts to 33.3
times higher than the proposed minuscule .03% transaction tax. (.0003 x 33.333
= 1%).
Perpetuating the present system of financial
market speculation can only give us more of what we got!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Los Angeles' vote
was heard the world.
Signaling new
hope for democracy unfurled.
LA's vote of
December 6, 2011 will go down in history.
Who controls the
U.S. Government is not a mystery.
“Citizens United” allows bought politicians set
our country’s course.
This Supreme Court decision is greed and
corruption without remorse.
“Citizens United” sends government corruption
up like a rocket.
The 1% has the United States Government in
their pocket.
In the Unites States, both red and blue, “We
the People reside.
With the 1% and the Supreme Court “We the
People” divide.
80% of Americans are against the “Citizen's
United” decision.
This errant act by the U.S. Supreme Court
ignited a revolution.
The 1% have corrupted American Government
long enough.
“We the People” must remove the Congressional
money trough.
LA voted for a democracy saving U.S.
Constitution Amendment.
Eliminate the power of the 1% to take over
the U.S. Government.
Democracy in America must be here to stay.
The 99% must help “THE MOVE TO AMEND” save American Democray.
Regain the American dream: JOIN THE RACE TO AMEND!
“In 2012,
Move to Amend and Move to Amend Los Angeles are kicking off the Race to Amend,
a relay race of Americans running, walking, skating and biking across the
country to galvanize support for this critical issue for our democracy. We will
carry the U.S. Constitution, like the Olympic Torch, from person to person in a
continuous chain of democracy activists. Along the way, a support team will do
teach-in about Citizen's United, how corporations have hijacked our democracy
and what we can do about it.
We, the
People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling
in Citizens United decision, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly
establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations,
are persons entitled to constitutional rights. In a democracy, the people rule.”
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
should propose a 1% transaction tax that will raise 11.7 trillion dollars
over 9 years or 1.3 trillion per year.
That amounts to 33.3 times higher than the Democrats'
proposed minuscule .03% transaction tax. (.0003 x 33.333 = 1%).
Instead “The Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act”proposes
a minuscule tax of .03% n financial transactions.
That amounts to a tax of 3 cents on a $100 (.0003 x
$100). The miniscule proposed tax is estimated to raise $350 billion over the
next nine years. That amounts to about 39 billion dollars in tax revenue per
year. (only 3% of the revenue of a 1% miniscule tax.)
A weak minuscule transaction tax system should not be
instituted because it will perpetuate
the greed and moral corruption of market speculators and manipulators.
A minuscule transaction tax will serve to perpetuate a
system of market manipulation that will bring about financial crisis after financial crisis and eventually destroy the
middle class.
The minuscule transaction tax as a revenue source does
not consider the financial harm done
to the middle class by wanton market speculation.
A minuscule transaction tax will continue to
allow bubble after bubble to be created until finally the "big
to fail" banks get another buyout and the middle class gets another
We've seen it happen!
We get it! We've been there!
The 99% are demonstrating in the streets throughout the
United States.
financial market speculation by enormous hedge funds manipulate the markets to
extract wealth from the middle class for the benefit of the 1%.
A 1%
transaction tax is a win, win proposition.
Perhaps a
1% transaction tax won't stop financial market manipulation.
1% transaction tax won't even slow down the market manipulators.
then a 1% transaction tax will raise 11.7 trillion dollars over 9 years or 1.3
trillion per year. That amounts to 33.3
times higher than the proposed minuscule .03% transaction tax. (.0003 x 33.333
= 1%).
Perpetuating the present system of financial
market speculation can only give us more of what we got!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Nuclear power is total fiscal and environmental insanity. Politicians support for nuclear power is totally pecuniary. Nuclear power investors require an exhorbitant subsidy. The U.S. Taxpayer is on the hook for nuclear insurability. The United States must eliminate nuclear power. Stand up! Fight back! Again, and again! Don't quit! Keep the faith! We can win! Help the 99% revolution takeover congress! Vote for a true and genuine representative government. In all the city, county, state, and federal elections. Vote for true and genuine progressive democrats!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
The U.S. Senate approved minority rule. Proving the Senate is a corporate tool. Feeding at the Congressional money trough. The U.S. Congress has no inclination to represent us. Republicans in Congress in 2012 need repacing. Their fight against the middle class is disgracing. Stand up! Fight back! Again, and again! Don't quit! Keep the faith! We can win! Help the 99% revolution takeover congress! Vote for a true and genuine representative government In all the city, county, state, and federal elections. Vote for true and genuine progressive democrats!
Friday, December 9, 2011
DISAPPEARING MIDDLE CLASS What Republicans did under Reagan is not a riddle. The tax burden was moved from the top to the middle Since 1979 middle class males' income stood still. Joining the workforce women moved family incomes up the hill. The 99% must fight to maintain a middle class! Stand up! Fight back! Again, and again! Don't quit! Keep the faith! We can win! Help the 99% revolution takeover congress! Vote for a genuine progressive congressional democrat!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Los Angeles' vote was heard the world. Signaling new hope for democracy unfurled. LA voted for a U.S. Constitution Amendment Eliminating the power of the 1% to take over the U.S. Government. LA's vote of December 6, 2011 will go down in history. Who controls the U.S. Government is not a mystery. The rich want to take from all the rest. Then add the “take” to their largesse. 80% of Americans are against the “Citizen's United” decision. This errant act by the U.S. Supreme Court ignited a revolution. The 1% have corrupted American Government long enough. “We the People" must remove the Congressional money trough. Democracy in America must be here to stay. The Republicans are working to take it away. The America of our fathers must again be won. Regain the American dream by repeating LA's historic action. Don't quit! Keep the faith! We can win! Stand up! Fight back! Again, and again! Join the 99% revolution and vote to takeover congress! Vote for a genuine progressive congressional democrat!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The future of FDR's Social Security is under attack. Republicans and politicians, determined to turn the clock back. Cutting the social security tax - politicians call it a holiday. Politicians are taking the future of social security away. The 99% must fight to strengthen Social Security! Stand up! Fight back! Again, and again! Don't quit! Keep the faith! We can win! Help the 99% revolution takeover congress! Vote for a progressive congressional democrat!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Republicans plan to take Our Post Office away. Republicans plan to privatize everything one day. Too many politicians from both parties are on the take. The Democratic Party needs a progressive remake. The 99% must free our government of greed and corruption. Stand up! Fight back! Again, and again! Don't quit! Keep the faith! We can win! Help the 99% revolution takeover congress! Vote for a progressive congressional democrat!
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