Circulate Lies | Promote Greed | Corrupt Government |
Norquist Oaths | Special Interests | Misquote Opponent |
Deceive Public | Steal Votes | Suppress Voters |
Obstruct Congress | Oil Subsidies | Privatize Commons |
Bought Congress | Corporate Welfare | Distort Truths |
Destroy Medicare | Idolize Ayn Rand | Reduce Soc. Security |
Repeal Obama Care | Tax Cuts for Rich | Attack Soc. Safety Net |
Romney Hood | Privatize Schools | Cheat Students |
Destroy Democracy | War on Women | Self Deportation |
War on Poor | Promote Racism | Promote Hate |
Plutocracy | Super PACs | Citizens United |
Secret Donors | Secret Dollars | Rule by Rich |
Lazy 47% | Own the USA | Oligarchy |
War on Unions | Trickle Up | Blame Obama |
Bankrupt GM | Donut Hole | Unpaid Wars |
Revolving Door | Politicians in Robes | Supply Side Voodoo |
Senate Filibuster | Legitimate Rape | Vaginal Probes |
Fund Lobbyists | Buying America | Anti Abortion |
Birth Certificate | Moslem President | Secret Societies |
Corporate Person-hood | Money is Speech | Money in Politics |
Unethical Campaign |
Thursday, September 27, 2012
61 Coffin Nails in the 2012 Republican Campaign
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
2 years in review
Dear Michael,
Do you remember where you were when you first heard about Scott Walker's destructive 'Budget Repair Bill'?
I'm sure most people in Wisconsin, and many around the nation, do. This has been the most turbulent 18 months in Wisconsin's political history. But with your help we have taken back the state senate. Here is a brief recap of everything that has happened over the past two years.
The fate of the state senate is in our hands. Together, we can keep the majority, but we know this won't be easy. The Republicans will have unlimited amounts of corporate money to lob vicious attacks against our candidates.
While we don't have their money, we have the strongest grassroots support in the nation. Your contribution of just $6 will help us achieve victory on November 6th.
This has always been a people powered movement, and your donation today will keep our movement strong.
Thank you for all you have done over the past 2 years. It means the world to me.
In solidarity,
Mark Miller
Senate Majority Leader
Do you remember where you were when you first heard about Scott Walker's destructive 'Budget Repair Bill'?
I'm sure most people in Wisconsin, and many around the nation, do. This has been the most turbulent 18 months in Wisconsin's political history. But with your help we have taken back the state senate. Here is a brief recap of everything that has happened over the past two years.
- Jan. 3rd, 2011 - Scott Walker takes office as Wisconsin's Governor.
- Feb. 14th, 2011 - Walker's 'Budget Repair Bill' is introduced. This bill stripped nearly all collective bargaining rights from public employees.
- Feb. 17th, 2011 - 14 Senators left the state in order to slow down this extreme bill that Walker and his Republican allies in the Senate were attempting to push through in less than 5 days.
- March 12th, 2011 - The Wisconsin 14 return home to a crowd of over 100,000 at the Capitol
- August 9th, 2011 - Jennifer Shilling and Jessica King are elected to the state senate in recall elections, narrowing the Republican majority to 1 at 17-16
- Jan. 17th, 2012 - Democrats turn in 2 million signatures against Scott Walker and 4 Republican Senators.
- June 5th, 2012 - John Lehman wins in the 21st state senate district, flipping the senate to Democratic control at 17-16.
- September 14th, 2012 - Wisconsin judge overturns relevant portions of Act 10
which restricted collective bargaining.
- November 6th, 2012 - ????
The fate of the state senate is in our hands. Together, we can keep the majority, but we know this won't be easy. The Republicans will have unlimited amounts of corporate money to lob vicious attacks against our candidates.
While we don't have their money, we have the strongest grassroots support in the nation. Your contribution of just $6 will help us achieve victory on November 6th.
This has always been a people powered movement, and your donation today will keep our movement strong.
Thank you for all you have done over the past 2 years. It means the world to me.
In solidarity,
Mark Miller
Senate Majority Leader
Sunday, September 16, 2012
9-14 tweets:
The 1% Court, A plan put into action to defeat US Democracy.The Powell Memo (aka Powell Manifesto) … …
“Citizens United” gives the 1% control of America. The Supreme Court decision supports corporate greed and corruption by the 1%
Bill Moyers Show: The One-Percent Court power and influence of a
minority of wealthy interests.
… …
Thursday, September 13, 2012
George W. Bush gave America social and economic devastation.
For the next 4 years Republicans planned Obama's ruination.
Republicans want to be voted back in.
So they can screw up America again.
Vote for "arithmetic over illusion" and "reality over delusion"!
Vote for Congressional Progressive Democrats!
Vote for Barrack Obama!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Targeted by Republican Medicare theft.
Middle class elderly savings bereft.
From the poor, bestow to the rich.
Republicans put elderly in the ditch.
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