Thursday, December 19, 2013

President Eisenhower Speech: Humanity Hanging from a Cross of Iron

Listen To The Speech:
President Eisenhower Speech: Humanity Hanging from a Cross of Iron: via

And Read About It; (From Wikipedia) GOTO:

Eisenhower took office in January 1953, with the Korean War winding down. The Soviet Union had detonated an atomic bomb, and appeared to reach approximate military parity with the United States.[1] Political pressures for a more aggressive stance toward the Soviet Union mounted, and calls for increased military spending did as well. The death of Joseph Stalin on March 5, 1953, briefly left a power vacuum in the Soviet Union and offered a chance for rapprochement with the new regime, as well as an opportunity to decrease military spending.[2]
The speech[edit]
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
The speech was a peace initiative, addressed to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, in Washington D.C., on April 16, 1953. Eisenhower took an opportunity to highlight the cost of continued tensions and rivalry with the Soviet Union.[3] While addressed to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, the speech was broadcast nationwide, through use of television and radio, from the Statler Hotel.[4] He noted that not only were there military dangers (as had been demonstrated by the Korean War), but an arms race would place a huge domestic burden on both nations (see guns and butter):
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.[1][5]
Eisenhower's "humanity hanging from a cross of iron" evoked William Jennings Bryan's Cross of Gold speech. As a result, "The Chance for Peace speech", colloquially, became known as the "Cross of Iron speech" and was seen by many as contrasting the Soviet Union’s view of the post-World War II world, with the United States' cooperation and national reunion view.[6]
Despite Eisenhower's hopes as expressed in the speech, the Cold War deepened during his time in office.[7] His farewell address was "a bookend" to his Chance for Peace speech.[1][8] In that speech, he implored Americans to think to the future and "not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow",[9] but the large peacetime military budgets that became established during his administration have continued for half a century.[10]
Historians have debated whether the speech given by Eisenhower was sincere in aiming to end the Cold War or whether it was merely a propaganda ploy.[11] The Cold War did not end once the speech was delivered, but continued for decades.
It Should Be Noted That: ABC's Jonathan Karl reports: This week’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington has a co-sponsor from the far-right fringe of American politics:   The John Birch Society. According to Ian Walters, a spokesman for CPAC, it’s the first time the John Birch Society has sponsored the conference.  That’s not surprising, considering that the Birch Society has long been considered wacky and extreme by conservative leaders. William F. Buckley famously denounced the John Birch Society and its founder Robert Welch in the early 1960s as “idiotic” and “paranoid. “  Buckley’s condemnation effectively banishing the group from the mainstream conservative movement.  Welch had called President Dwight D. Eisenhower a “conscious, dedicated agent of the communist conspiracy” and that the U.S. government was “under operational control of the Communist party.”  Buckley argued that such paranoid rantings had no place in the conservative movement or the Republican party.  Two years after Buckley’s death, the John Birch Society is no longer banished; it is listed as one of about 100 co-sponsors of the 2010 CPAC.


 Morlocks: From Wikipedia; GOTO:

Morlocks [And Eloi] are a fictional species created by H. G. Wells for his 1895 novel, The Time Machine. They [The Morlocks] dwell underground in the English countryside of AD 802,701 in a troglodyte civilization, maintaining ancient machines that they may or may not remember how to build. Their only access to the surface world is through a series of well structures that dot the countryside of future England.
Morlocks are troglofaunal humanoid creatures, said to have descended from humans, but by the 8,028th century have evolved into a completely different species, said to be better suited to their subterranean habitat. They are described as "ape-like", with little or no clothing, large eyes and grey fur covering their bodies. As a result of living underground they are albinos and thus have little or no melanin to protect their skin, which makes extremely sensitive to light.
The Morlocks' main source of food is the Eloi, another race descended from humans that lives above ground.

Eloi: From Wikipedia; GOTO:

By the year AD 802,701, humanity has evolved into two separate species: the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are the childlike, frail group, living a banal life of ease on the surface of the earth, while the Morlocks live underground, tending machinery and providing food, clothing and infrastructure for the Eloi. Each class evolved and degenerated from humans. The novel suggests that the separation of species may have been the result of a widening split between different social classes, a theme that reflects Wells's sociopolitical opinions.
The main difference from their earlier ruler-worker state is that, while the Morlocks continue to support the world's infrastructure and serve the Eloi, the Eloi have undergone significant physical and mental deterioration. Having solved all problems that required strength, intelligence, or virtue, they have slowly become dissolute and naive. They are described as being smaller than modern humans, having shoulder-length curly hair, chins that ran to a point, large eyes, small ears, and small mouths with bright red thin lips. They are of sub-human intelligence, though apparently intelligent enough to speak, as they have a primitive language. They do not perform much work, and in the book and 1960 film when Weena falls into the river, none of the Eloi help her.
While one initially has the impression that the Eloi people live a life of play and toil-less abundance, it is revealed that the Morlocks are attending to the Eloi's needs for the same reason a farmer tends cattle; the Morlocks use the Eloi for food. This is why there are no old people, and why the Eloi seem to fear the dark.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Angelo Raphaelo's Recent FAVORITE Tweets 12-14-13

George Carlin They [Organized Money] Own You 
And They Want Your Social Security:
"The American Dream"

Centrist Democrats Fool Voters With 
Lies, False Promises & Sham Proposals
To Gain Support Of "Bamboozled" 
Party Faithful, Independents & GOP

Elizabeth Warren responds to Wall Street
 front group Third Way on Social Security: 
'Oh please.'

It Is Inconcievable That A "Government By Organized Money"
Was Permitted To Take Over The USA
Without Being Subject To Legal Proceedings

Corporate (Centrist) Democrats in DC Already in Freakout Mode
That Sen Warren Is a Threat To Their Power

Is Elizabeth Warren Being Attacked By The Same
Moneyed Elite, [“Organized Money”]
Bankster Thugs And Minions That Support
The Candidacy Of A Centrist Democrat?

Is Elizabeth Warren Being Attacked By
The Same Moneyed Elite, Bankster Thugs And Minions
That Support The Candidacy Of A Centrist Democrat?

Today's Populist Is A Political Leader That Represents People
Instead Of 
Corrupt "Government By Organized Money" Banksterism & Corporatism.

Unless Populist Candidates Remake The Democratic Party 
Into "The Party Of FDR" USA Will Continue To Have 
A "Government By Organized Money"

FDR ,,,[Old Enemies Of Peace] had begun to consider
the Government of the United States
as a mere appendage to their own affairs."

FDR: "They [Organized Money] had begun 
to consider the Government of the United States
as a mere appendage to their own affairs."

FDR: "We know now that Government by organized money
is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob."

FDR>old enemies of peace: business and financial monopoly,
speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, 
sectionalism, war profiteering.

 it's not like we were not warned, #LessonsLearned

Pope calls for end to ‘cult of money’ “We have created new idols” 
where the “golden calf of old has a new image.

"Money Cultists" Not Paying Livable Wages Increase Profits
By Having Welfare Feed Their Employees.

2014 Remove Money From Politics:
Vote Corrupt Politicians Out Of Congress.
2015 Remove Politics From SCOTUS:
Increase Judges From 9 To 17.

Read For Yourself What Pope Francis Has Written:

Senator Bernie Sanders For President 2016!
He's Been Doing Heavy Lifting 
For Democratic Party For Many Years.
VOTE 4 Populists 2014/16/18

Vote A GOP RWNJ Out Of Congress
USA Voter 5 Year Plan
Never Forgive Never Forget
Don't Give-In Don't Quit
Vote 4 A Populist 2014/16/18

Sen. Bernie Sanders For President 2016.
Sen Sanders Represents Democratic Party Better
Than Most Democrats Can Pretend, Dream Or Lie About.

GOP Ideology Is A Single Track, Narrow Gauge,
One Dimensional & Myopic View
Without Forethought Or Consideration 
Of Consequential Results.

I refuse to believe corporations are people

Climate Change Opens the Arctic to Shipping,
Drilling, Militarization

Should Be The "COLOR PURPLE";
And Their Movers "THE PURPLE HAND"

WIKIPEDIA survives on donations.
If Wikipedia is useful to you, give what you can!

Religious freedom doesn't mean you can force others 
to live by your beliefs ~ PBO #protectchoice #PraytoEndAbortion

Senator Bernie Sanders Stuns Washington by
Introducing Single-Payer Health Care Bill

"Healthcare Is A right" Single-Payer Plan Introduced:
Senator Bernie Sanders

"As a practical matter, the #Volcker Rule is hopeless...
There’s no alternative but to resurrect #GlassSteagall as a whole."
Prof. @RBReich

Krugman nails the GOP right to the cross.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013