Thursday, December 11, 2014

List of people pardoned or granted clemency by the President of the United States

List of people pardoned or granted clemency by the President of the United States

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The following List of people pardoned or granted clemency by the President of the United States documents the most prominent cases of each presidency. As granted by the Constitution (Article II, Section 2, Clause 1), Presidents have the power to grant clemency in one or more of the following ways: the ability to grant a full pardon, to commute a sentence, or to rescind a fine. U.S. Presidents have no power to grant clemency for crimes prosecuted under state law.
As to the difference between a pardon and a commutation:
  • pardon is an executive order vacating a conviction.
  • commutation is the mitigation of the sentence of someone currently serving a sentence for a crime pursuant to a conviction, without vacating the conviction itself.
Approximately 20,000 pardons and clemencies were issued by U.S. presidents in the 20th century alone. The records of acts of clemency were public until 1934. In 1981 theOffice of the Pardon Attorney was created and records from President George H. W. Bush forward are now listed.[1] This list includes pardons and commutations.[2]

DID BUSH CHENEY CIA et al OVERTHROW THE USA CONSTITUTION? "Putsch" A coup d'état (/ˌkuːdeɪˈtɑː/ French:

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"Coup" and "Putsch" A coup d'état (/ˌkuːdeɪˈtɑː/ French:
blow of state; plural: coups d'état),
also known as a coup, a putsch, or an overthrow,
is the sudden and illegal seizure of a government,[1][2][3]
usually instigated by a small group of the existing state establishment 
to depose the established government and replace it with a new ruling body.
 A coup d'état is considered successful when the usurpers establish their dominance.
A coup d'état typically uses the extant government's power to assume political control of the country.

In Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook, military historian Edward Luttwak states that
"[a] coup consists of the infiltration of a small, but critical, segment of the state apparatus,
which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder."
The armed forces, whether military or paramilitary, can be a defining factor of a coup d'état.

The political scientist Samuel P. Huntington identifies three classes of coup d'état:

Breakthrough coup d'état:
 a revolutionary army overthrows a traditional government and creates a new bureaucratic elite.
Generally led by mid-level or junior officers. Examples are China in 1911, Bulgaria in 1944, Egypt in 1952, Turkey in 1960, Greece in 1967, Libya in 1969, Portugal in 1974, and Liberia in 1980.

Guardian coup d'état: the "musical chairs" coup d'état.
The stated aim of such a coup is usually improving public order and efficiency, and ending corruption.
There usually is no fundamental change to the power structure.
Generally, the leaders portray their actions as a temporary and unfortunate necessity.
An early example is the coup d'état by consul Sulla, in 88 B.C., against supporters of Marius in Rome, after the latter attempted to strip him of a military command.
An example from the Age of Enlightenment is Swedish king Gustav III's coup d'état in 1772, when he overthrew the government, instituted a new constitution with himself as an enlightened despot, all with massive popular consent. A contemporary instance is the civilian Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's overthrow by Chief of Army Staff General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in 1977, who cited widespread civil disorder and impending civil war as his justification. In 1999, General Pervez Musharraf overthrew Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on the same grounds. Nations with guardian coups can frequently shift back and forth between civilian and military governments. Example countries include Pakistan, Turkey (1971 and 1980), and Thailand. A bloodless coup usually arises from the Guardian coup d'état.

Veto coup d'état:
occurs when the army vetoes the people's mass participation and social mobilisation in governing themselves.
In such a case, the army confronts and suppresses large-scale, broad-based civil opposition, tending to repression and killing, such as the coup d'état in Chile in 1973 against the elected Socialist President Salvador Allende by the Chilean military. The same happened in Argentina throughout the period 1930–1983, Burma during the 8888 Uprising, and was attempted in Russia in 1991.

A coup d'état is typed according to the military rank of the lead usurper.

The veto coup d'état and the guardian coup d'état are affected by the army's commanding officers.

The breakthrough coup d'état is effected by junior officers (colonels or lower rank) or non-commissioned officers (sergeants). When junior officers or enlisted men so seize power, the coup d'état is a mutiny with grave implications for the organizational and professional integrity of the military.

In a bloodless coup d'état, the threat of violence suffices to depose the incumbent. In 1889, Brazil became a republic via bloodless coup; in 1999, Pervez Musharraf assumed power in Pakistan via a bloodless coup; and, in 2006, Sonthi Boonyaratglin assumed power in Thailand as the leader of the Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy.

The self-coup denotes an incumbent government
 – aided and abetted by the military
– assuming extra-constitutional powers.
A historical example is President, then Emperor, Louis Napoléon Bonaparte. Modern examples include Alberto Fujimori, in Peru, who, although elected, temporarily suspended the legislature and the judiciary in 1992, becoming an authoritarian ruler, and King Gyanendra's assumption of "emergency powers" in Nepal. Another form of self-coup is when a government, having been defeated in an election, refuses to step down.
Resistance to coups d'état[edit]
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Many coups d'état, even if initially successful in seizing the main centres of state power, are actively opposed by certain segments of society or by the international community. Opposition can take many different forms, including an attempted counter-coup by sections of the armed forces, international isolation of the new regime, and military intervention.

Sometimes opposition takes the form of civil resistance, in which the coup is met with mass demonstrations from the population generally, and disobedience among civil servants and members of the armed forces. Cases in which civil resistance played a significant part in defeating armed coups d'état include: the Kornilov Putsch in Russia in August 1917; the Kapp Putsch in Berlin in March 1920; and the Generals' Revolt in Algiers in April 1961.[10] The coup in the Soviet Union on 19–21 August 1991 is another case in which civil resistance was part of an effective opposition to a coup: Boris Yeltsin, President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, stood on top of a tank in the centre of Moscow and urged people to refuse co-operation with the coup.

Governments following military coups[edit]
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After the coup d'état, the military faces the matter of what type of government to establish. In Latin America, it was common for the post-coup government to be led by a junta, a committee of the chiefs of staff of the armed forces. A common form of African post-coup government is the revolutionary assembly, a quasi-legislative body elected by the army. In Pakistan, the military leader typically assumes the title of chief martial law administrator.

According to Huntington, most leaders of a coup d'état act under the concept of right orders: they believe that the best resolution of the country's problems is merely to issue correct orders. This view of government underestimates the difficulty of implementing government policy, and the degree of political resistance to certain correct orders. It presupposes that everyone who matters in the country shares a single, common interest, and that the only question is how to pursue that single, common interest.

Current leaders who assumed power via coups d'état[edit]

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Current leaders who assumed power via coups d'état[edit]
This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2013)

Assumed power
Coup d'état
23 July 1970 Oman
3 August 1979
29 January 1986
30 June 1989
2 December 1990 Chad
27 April 19912
22 July 1994
August 1997
25 October 1997
5 December 2006 Fiji
6 August 2008
22 May 2014
1Monarch who overthrew his father in a bloodless palace coup.
2As head of Provisional Government of Eritrea. Eritrea declared independence 24 May 1993.
3Subsequently confirmed in office by an apparently free and fair election.
4Subsequently confirmed by a narrow margin in the Mauritanian presidential election, 2009, which was regarded as "satisfactory" by international observers.
5Acting Prime Minister at that time.

Other uses of the term[edit]
The term has also been used in a corporate context more specifically as boardroom coup. CEOs that have been sacked by behind-the-scenes maneuvering include Robert Stempel of General Motors[13][14] and John Akers of IBM, in 1992 and 1993, respectively.[15][16]

Steve Jobs attempted management coups twice at Apple Inc.; first in 1985 when he unsuccessfully tried to oust John Sculley and then again in 1997, which successfully forced Gil Amelio to resign.[17][18]

This page was last modified on 30 November 2014 at 17:30.

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