Thursday, December 22, 2016

Repeaters Not Reporters: The Presstitute Hillary and Obama Apologist Sockpuppet Media [unprecented and without peer]

Repeaters Not Reporters: The Presstitute Hillary and Obama Apologist Sockpuppet Media

Published on Dec 22, 2016
US Propaganda is legal, authorized and in full bloom. The US Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (Public Law 80-402), popularly referred to as the Smith–Mundt Act, was enacted after WWII and specifies with a degree of particularity the terms in which the United States government can engage global audiences, a procedure also known as the dissemination of propaganda. What was prohibited specifically under the statute was domestic propaganda circulation and propagation as we transitioned from WWII into a more refined and civilized Cold War worldview. Ahem. This was as to officially sanctioned propaganda (or truth) and not the more covert efforts such as was seen in such smash hits as Operation Mockingbird and other CIA efforts to massage and form journalistic truth and reportage.

But that changed. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (section 1078 (a)) amended the US Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987, allowing specifically for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to be released within U.S. borders for the Archivist of the United States. What does all this mean? Propaganda. US propaganda. Most Americans miss the potential harm that this inspires as that would involve awareness, vigilance and rudimentary fact-finding and research.

Then came this Orwellian information lockdown that our somnolent public missed yet again. On November 30, one week after the Washington Post launched its witch hunt against "Russian propaganda fake news," with but a mere 390 votes for, the House quietly passed "H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 – a bill which deals with a number of intelligence-related issues, including inter alia Russian propaganda, or what the government calls propaganda, and hints at a potential crackdown on "offenders" and he now dread fake news. Keep in mind that this dovetailed with the usual idiots rolling out stories how Russian propaganda efforts helped spread said fake news during the elections and, it appears, somehow writer instrumental in securing a victory for Kremlin agent and Putin crony Donald Trump. Remember this WaPo whopper that later contained a retraction within a reiteration of the specious piece as it dialed back its referencing of the now discredited PropOrNot. These folks make Snopes seem authoritative by comparison. And one final word, it seems that some detractors of this thing called freedom of speech when it traverses certain barriers and limits is and should be susceptible to Espionage Act prosecution. As they say, you can’t make this up.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer: Defended by Congressman Curt Weldon and Able Danger at the U.S. Congress.

Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer: Defended by Congressman Curt Weldon and Able Danger at the U.S. Congress.

Published on Nov 10, 2013
the original article is
The C-SPAN Video Library - Congressional Record, House Session.
October 19, 2005

CNN broadcast (Aired October 20, 2005 - 18:00 ET)

and the full transcription.
U.S. Government Printing Office - Keeping America Informed
Congressional Record, Volume 151 Issue 133
(Wednesday, October 19, 2005)

U.S. Government Printing Office - Keeping America Informed
Congressional Record Volume 157, Issue 136
(September 14, 2011)

see also
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
41 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11

Democracy Now!
HEADLINES June 16, 2009
Report: CIA Director Initially Backed Truth Commission
CIA Director Leon Panetta has revealed he initially supported the creation of a Truth Commission to investigate the Bush administration’s counterterrorism policies. Panetta told The New Yorker magazine, quote,
"I could see that it would make some sense, frankly, to appoint a high-level commission, with somebody like Sandra Day O’Connor, Lee Hamilton - people like that."
Panetta dropped his support for the Truth Commission after President Obama essentially vetoed the idea in late April.

Veterans Today
9/11 Museum: Shrine of the monstrous lie
Wednesday, May 21st, 2014 Posted by Kevin Barrett

The C-SPAN Video Library
July 22, 2005
September 11 Commission Report Results, Pt. 1
Families of victims, former intelligence officials, and authors spoke at a daylong forum on the September 11 Commission Report.
Mr. Melvin Goodman (He appears from 01:31:30.)

The Guardian
Kissinger resigns as chairman of inquiry into September 11 attacks
Julian Borger in Washington The Guardian,
Saturday 14 December 2002 01.22 GMT

U.S. Government Printing Office - Keeping America Informed
Congressional Reports, House Report, December 31, 2001

The New York Post
Inside the Saudi 9/11 coverup
By Paul Sperry December 15, 2013 5:13am

Broward Bulldog | News you can sink your teeth into
May 9, 2014 at 7:50 pm
FBI publicly releases a few more pages about Sarasota Saudis; 80,000 pages given to judge
By Dan Christensen and Anthony Summers,

December 24, 2013 at 6:15 am
9/11 "cover up" could collapse as Saudi Arabia restored to victims' lawsuit, says Bob Graham
By Dan Christensen,

and related,
Pass JASTA | Justice Against Terrorism

International Business Times
9/11 Link To Saudi Arabia Is Topic Of 28 Redacted Pages In Government Report; Congressmen Push For Release
By Jamie Reno
on December 09 2013 2:09 PM

and the YouTube material,
Congressman Walter B. Jones
Press Conference - Declassification of 9/11 Documents
March 12, 2014

What Congress Does Not Know about Enron and 9/11
By Atty. John J. Loftus
First published May, 2003:

The Guardian
Michael Meacher: This war on terrorism is bogus
The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination
The Guardian, Saturday 6 September 2003 12.15 BST
Michael Meacher MP was environment minister from May 1997 to June 2003.
keyword John J. Loftus, John Joseph Loftus

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Who Are The Real Culprits at Standing Rock DAPL

Oil Protectors Press Conference  via @YouTube

Statement by Attorney General Lynch on the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

Veterans standing up for Standing Rock   via @YouTube

Robert Kennedy Jr.  – “Dakota Pipeline is not Legal”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Obama's "No Brainer" DAPL Choice   via @YouTube

Repeat & ReTweet Until Everyone Gets It: The Things You Need To Know About Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

Repeat & ReTweet Until Everyone Gets It
Things You Need To Know About Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

Repeat & ReTweet Until Everyone Gets It
Robert Kennedy Jr.  – “Dakota Pipeline is not Legal”

Repeat & ReTweet Until Everyone Gets It
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Obama's "No Brainer" DAPL Choice

Repeat & ReTweet Until Everyone Gets It
EXPLAINED: Dakota Access Pipeline IS ON Treaty Land

Repeat & ReTweet Until Everyone Gets It
The Whole World is Watching

Repeat & ReTweet Until Every Vet Gets It
Veterans standing up for Standing Rock  via @YouTube

Repeat & ReTweet This Post
Until Everyone Gets It:
The Things You Need To Know About Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The CrossTalk "Fake News" Debate Exposes "The Real Fake News Perps" Self-Serving Propaganda Attempt At Censorship

Bullhorns: ‘Fake News’ (CrossTalk)
via @YouTube

CrossTalk: Fake News
via @YouTube

Trump vs. MSM: Donald’s twitter to become No1
source for White House news?

via @YouTube

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Are These the Same DEM Counties & Sanctuary Cities That Cheated Senator Sanders?

You Must See This Complete America voting map
county and state. Trump red / Clinton blue 2016
51 DEM counties and sanctuary cities?

Where was @DrJillStien when DEMs Cheated @SenSanders?
Happy to p/u #DemExit #NeverHillary and #BernieOrBust Voters That's Where!

Why Recount Now? Why Only 3 Counties? SCAM?

Video documents how the media and elitist powers
manipulate and poison narrative around President-elect Donald Trump

Trump's media summit
a 'firing squad' ‘in a room of liars, deceitful, dishonest media...  via @nypost

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

President Kennedy's Final Address To the United Nations General Assembly

President Kennedy's Final Address
To the United Nations General Assembly

President John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address January 20, 1961 and "Peace Speech" June 10, 1963

President John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address
January 20, 1961

President John F. Kennedy's "Peace Speech"

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Election 2016 Silver Linings You May Not Have Thought Of and Why Conservatives [WERE] DESPERATE For Hillary To Win

Election 2016 Silver Linings You May Not Have Thought Of  via @YouTube

Why Conservatives [WERE] DESPERATE For Hillary To Win  via @YouTube
Establishment Dems Hope You're As Dumb As They Are httpmXHs:// via @YouTube

Discredited Dems Blame Everybody But Hillary For Her Loss   via @YouTube

Obama Enrages With Lame Response To Trump But Bernie Nails It via @YouTube

Obama's Breaks His Promise To Respect Native Americans via @YouTube

Obama Goes Full Hypocrite In Stumping For Hillary via @YouTube

Obama Fails Again With Out-Of-Touch Speech That Proves How Bad He Is 

Give Donald Trump A Chance
Under Both GOP and DEM Parties
USA Exported 60,000 Factories, and
USA Exported Millions of Jobs

Nothing Changed; Until We VOTED
We Voted For Change; We Got Change

Give Donald Trump A Chance
To Make America Great Again
To Drain the Corrupt Political Swamp
To Declare Peace
To Stop Endless Wars
To Stop TPP
To Create Jobs
To Negotiate Free Trade Not Fake Trade
To Rebuild USA Corroded Bridges and Infrastructure

Monday, November 7, 2016


Misplaced Power Exists and Persists

Lady Justice was jilted Scales of justice tilted Her blindfold removed Equal Justice disproved Executive Branch is tainted

FDR Civilized Capitalism
75 Years Later Economic Royalists
Cheated US Out of the
Country We Wanted 2 Live In

To Get Elected Hillary DNC/DEMs Need
The Independents, Millennials & Democrats et al.
The DNC/DEMs Cheated in the Primary

It's Election Day Nov 8, 2016
Rumors of Coup and Counter Coup
Of Pedophiles and Pay 4 Play
A Scandal Revealed Every Day
Subpoenas Filed
Lady Justice Defiled

Live In the Moment
Tomorrows Depend
on the Moment
You Cast Your Vote

4 Years From Now Depends
on the moment
You Cast Your Vote
4 Years From Now

Vote 4
The Kind of Country
You Want to Live In Now

Vote 4
The Kind of Country
DNC/DEMs Cheated US Out Of

Get Out and VOTE!
Wikileaks Proved
DNC/DEM Cheating Excellence
In the 2016 DNC/DEM Primary

DNC/DEMS Won't Stop Cheating
Until The Last Vote Is Miscounted

DNC/DEMs will cheat US out of
The Country We Want 2 Live in

Be Advised:
Congress Is Largely Responsible
For ALL Our Current Problems And Wars

Elect a New Congress for the
34 Senate and 435 House seats 
Up For Your Election NOV 8 - (see maps)

And Last but NOT LEAST 
WE Must Wisely and Delicately
#DrainTheSwamp Of
Administrative Branch Miscreants

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

REASONABLE ARGUMENTS FOR A REEXAMINATION OF 9/11 - 9/11 Truth? Was it an "American coup?

9/11 Truth? Was it an "American coup? By PHILIP GIRALDI 
The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial
Perspectives Largely Excluded from the
American Mainstream Media

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Abby Martin Uncovers 9/11 | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - Ora TV via @YouTube

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Operation Mockingbird is a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media

Operation Mockingbird
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Operation Mockingbird is a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media. Begun in the 1950s, it was initially organized by Cord Meyer and Allen W. Dulles, and was later led by Frank Wisner after Dulles became the head of the CIA. The organization recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network to help present the CIA's views. It funded some student and cultural organizations and magazines as fronts. As it developed, it also worked to influence foreign media and political campaigns, in addition to activities by other operating units of the CIA.

In addition to earlier exposés of CIA activities in foreign affairs, in 1966, Ramparts magazine published an article revealing that the National Student Association was funded by the CIA. The United States Congress investigated the allegations and published a report in 1976. Other accounts were also published. The media operation was first called Mockingbird in Deborah Davis's 1979 book, Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and The Washington Post.[1]

In 1948, Frank Wisner was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (OSP). Soon afterwards, OSP was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), which became the CIA's covert action branch. Wisner was told to create an organization that concentrated on "propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world".[2] Later that year, Wisner established Mockingbird, a program to influence foreign media. Wisner recruited Philip Graham from The Washington Post to run the project within the industry. According to Deborah Davis in Katharine the Great, "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles."[3]

In 1951, Allen W. Dulles persuaded Cord Meyer to join the CIA. However, there is evidence that he was recruited several years earlier and had been spying on the liberal internationalist organizations he had been a member of in the late 1940s.[4] According to Deborah Davis, Meyer became Mockingbird's "principal operative."[5]

"I’m proud they asked me and proud to have done it" - Joseph Alsop [6]
After 1953, the network was overseen by CIA Director Allen Dulles, by which time Operation Mockingbird had major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies. The usual methodology was placing reports developed from intelligence provided by the CIA to witting or unwitting reporters. Those reports would then be repeated or cited by the preceding reporters which in turn would then be cited throughout the media wire services. These networks were run by people with well-known liberal but pro-American big business and anti-Soviet views such as William S. Paley (CBS), Henry Luce (Time and Life Magazine), Arthur Hays Sulzberger (New York Times), Alfred Friendly (managing editor of the Washington Post), Jerry O'Leary (Washington Star), Hal Hendrix (Miami News), Barry Bingham, Sr. (Louisville Courier-Journal), James Copley (Copley News Services) and Joseph Harrison (Christian Science Monitor).[7]

The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was funded by siphoning off funds intended for the Marshall Plan. Some of this money was used to bribe journalists and publishers. Frank Wisner was constantly looking for ways to help convince the public of the dangers of Soviet communism. In 1954, Wisner arranged for the funding of a Hollywood production of Animal Farm as an animated allegory based on the book written by George Orwell.[8]

According to Alex Constantine (Mockingbird: The Subversion of the Free Press by the CIA, first chapter of Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America, p. 42), in the 1950s, "some 3,000 salaried and contract CIA employees were eventually engaged in propaganda efforts". Wisner was able to constrain newspapers from reporting about certain events, including the CIA plots to overthrow the governments of Iran (see: Operation Ajax) and Guatemala (see: Operation PBSUCCESS).[9]

Thomas Braden, head of the International Organizations Division (IOD), played an important role in Operation Mockingbird. Many years later he revealed his role in these events:

"If the director of CIA wanted to extend a present, say, to someone in Europe—a Labour leader—suppose he just thought, This man can use fifty thousand dollars, he's working well and doing a good job—he could hand it to him and never have to account to anybody... There was simply no limit to the money it could spend and no limit to the people it could hire and no limit to the activities it could decide were necessary to conduct the war—the secret war... It was a multinational. Maybe it was one of the first. Journalists were a target, labor unions a particular target—that was one of the activities in which the communists spent the most money."[10]
Directorate for Plans[edit]
In August 1952, the Office of Policy Coordination which dealt with covert action such as paramilitary or psychological influence operations, and the Office of Special Operations which dealt with espionage and counter-espionage, were merged under the Deputy Director for Plans (DDP), Allen W. Dulles. When Dulles became head of the CIA in 1953, Frank Wisner became head of this new organization and Richard Helms became his chief of operations. Mockingbird became the responsibility of the DDP.[11]

J. Edgar Hoover became jealous of the CIA's growing power. Institutionally, the organizations were very different, with the CIA holding a more politically diverse group in contrast to the more conservative FBI. This was reflected in Hoover's description of the OPC as "Wisner's gang of weirdos". Hoover began having investigations done into Wisner's people. He found that some of them had been active in left-wing politics in the 1930s. This information was passed to Senator Joseph McCarthy who started making attacks on members of the OPC. Hoover also gave McCarthy details of an affair that Frank Wisner had with Princess Caradja in Romania during the war. Hoover claimed that Caradja was a Soviet agent.[12]

McCarthy, as part of his campaign against government, began accusing other senior members of the CIA as being security risks. McCarthy claimed that the CIA was a "sinkhole of communists", and said he would root out a hundred of them. One of his first targets was Cord Meyer, who was still working for Operation Mockingbird. In August 1953, Richard Helms, Wisner's deputy at the OPC, told Meyer that McCarthy had accused him of being a communist. The Federal Bureau of Investigation said it was unwilling to give Meyer "security clearance", without referring to any evidence against him. Allen W. Dulles and Frank Wisner both came to his defense and refused to permit an FBI interrogation of Meyer.[13]

With the network in authority in the CIA threatened, Wisner was directed to unleash Mockingbird on McCarthy. Drew Pearson, Joe Alsop, Jack Anderson, Walter Lippmann and Ed Murrow all engaged in intensely negative coverage of McCarthy. According to Jack Anderson, his political reputation was permanently damaged by the press coverage orchestrated by Wisner.[14]

Mockingbird was very active during the overthrow of President Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in Guatemala during Operation PBSUCCESS. Dulles restrained certain journalists from traveling to Guatemala, including Sydney Gruson of the New York Times.[15] As the CIA's wealth and power increased, its aggressive focus toward the Soviet Union soon began not only heating up the Cold War but also disrupting relations with America's European allies. They[who?] considered rising third-world liberationist movements as potential threats to their[who?] political systems.

Consequently, even in the wake of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles's pledge during the 1952 presidential campaign to "roll back the Iron Curtain", American covert action operations came under scrutiny almost as soon as Dwight Eisenhower was inaugurated in 1953. He soon set up an evaluation operation called Solarium, which had three committees playing analytical games to see which plans of action should be continued. In 1955, President Eisenhower established the 5412 Committee in order to keep more of a check on the CIA's covert activities. The committee (also called the Special Group) included the CIA director, the national security adviser, and the deputy secretaries at State and Defense. They were to determine whether covert actions were "proper" and in the national interest. Richard B. Russell, chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee was also included in the group. As Allen W. Dulles was later to admit, because of "plausible deniability", CIA-planned covert actions were not referred to the 5412 Committee for review.

Ultimately, Eisenhower became concerned that CIA covert activities were being poorly coordinated with American foreign policy. He thought they might have expressed senior corporate interests of upper-class families of the North-Eastern Establishment. In 1956, he appointed David K. E. Bruce as a member of the President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities (PBCFIA). Eisenhower asked Bruce to write a report on the CIA. It was presented to Eisenhower on 20 December 1956. Bruce argued that the CIA's covert actions were "responsible in great measure for stirring up the turmoil and raising the doubts about us that exists in many countries in the world today".[16] Bruce was also highly critical of Mockingbird. He argued: "what right have we to go barging around in other countries buying newspapers and handing money to opposition parties or supporting a candidate for this, that, or the other office".[16]

After Richard M. Bissell, Jr. lost his post as Deputy Director for Plans in 1962, Tracy Barnes took over the running of Mockingbird. According to Evan Thomas in his book The Very Best Men (1995), Barnes planted editorials about political candidates who were regarded as pro-CIA.

First exposure[edit]
In 1964, Random House published Invisible Government by David Wise and Thomas Ross. The book exposed the role of the CIA in foreign policy. This included CIA coups in Guatemala (Operation PBSUCCESS) and Iran (Operation Ajax) and the Bay of Pigs Invasion. It also revealed the CIA's attempts to overthrow President Sukarno in Indonesia and the covert operations taking place in Laos and Vietnam. The CIA considered buying up the entire printing of Invisible Government, but this idea was rejected when Random House pointed out that if this happened, they would have to print a second edition.[2]

John McCone, the new director of the CIA, tried to prevent Edward Yates from making a documentary on the CIA for the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). This attempt at censorship failed, and NBC broadcast this critical documentary.

In June 1965, Desmond FitzGerald was appointed as head of the Directorate for Plans and took charge of Mockingbird. At the end of 1966, FitzGerald learned that Ramparts had discovered that the CIA had been secretly funding the National Student Association and was considering publishing an account.[17] When the magazine advised the CIA it had "lost control of the information", and would likely be forced to publicize, FitzGerald ordered a plan to either neutralize the campaign and/or wind-down Mockingbird.

He appointed Edgar Applewhite to organize a campaign against Ramparts. Applewhite later told Evan Thomas for his book, The Very Best Men: "I had all sorts of dirty tricks to hurt their circulation and financing. The people running Ramparts were vulnerable to blackmail. We had awful things in mind, some of which we carried off."[18]

Ramparts published the account in March 1967. The article, written by Sol Stern, was entitled "NSA and the CIA".[citation needed] As well as reporting CIA funding of the National Student Association, Stern exposed the wide system of anti-Communist front organizations in Europe, Asia, and South America. It named Cord Meyer as a key figure in this campaign, which included the funding of the literary journal Encounter.[10] Applewhite managed to control some of the account by steering references away from leftist organizations and toward most of the few conservative organizations backed by the CIA.

In May 1967, Thomas Braden published "I'm Glad the CIA is 'Immoral'", in the Saturday Evening Post. He defended the activities of the International Organizations Division unit of the CIA. Braden said that the CIA had kept these activities secret from Congress. As he wrote: "In the early 1950s, when the Cold War was really hot, the idea that Congress would have approved many of our projects was about as likely as the John Birch Society's approving Medicare."[19]

Church Committee investigations[edit]
Further details of Operation Mockingbird were revealed as a result of the Senator Frank Church investigations (Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) in 1975. According to the Congress report published in 1976:

"The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets."[citation needed]
In February 1976, George H. W. Bush, the recently appointed Director of the CIA, announced a new policy: "Effective immediately, the CIA will not enter into any paid or contract relationship with any full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any U.S. news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station." He added that the CIA would continue to "welcome" the voluntary, unpaid cooperation of journalists.[20]

"Family Jewels" report
According to the "Family Jewels" report, released by the National Security Archive on June 26, 2007, during the period from March 12, 1963 to June 15, 1963, the CIA installed telephone taps on two Washington-based news reporters.[21]

See also
CIA influence on public opinion
Congress for Cultural Freedom
James Risen
Judith Miller
Propaganda in the United States
Psychological Operations
Radio Liberty
Robertson Panel
Special Activities Division
Sharyl Attkisson
White propaganda
Further reading[edit]
Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and the Washington Post by Deborah Davis, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. This book makes many claims about Katharine Graham, then owner of the Washington Post, and her cooperation with Operation Mockingbird.
Wilford, Hugh (2008). The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-02681-0.
Jump up ^ Davis, Deborah (1979). Katherine The Great: Katherine Graham and The Washington Post. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. ISBN 0151467846.
^ Jump up to: a b David Wise and Thomas Ross (1964). Invisible Government.
Jump up ^ Deborah Davis (1979). Katharine the Great. pp. 137–138.
Jump up ^ Cord Meyer (1980). Facing Reality: From World Federalism to the CIA. pp. 42–59.
Jump up ^ Deborah Davis (1979). Katharine the Great. p. 226.
Jump up ^ Carl Bernstein, CIA and the Media, People, 1977
Jump up ^ Carl Bernstein (20 October 1977). "CIA and the Media". Rolling Stone Magazine.
Jump up ^ Evan Thomas (1995). The Very Best Men: The Early Years of the CIA. p. 33.
Jump up ^ Alex Constantine (1997). Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America. Feral House. ISBN 9780922915453.
^ Jump up to: a b Thomas Braden, interview included in the Granada Television program, World in Action: The Rise and Fall of the CIA. 1975.
Jump up ^ John Ranelagh (1986). The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA. pp. 198–202.
Jump up ^ Evan Thomas (1995). The Very Best Men: The Early Years of the CIA. pp. 98–106.
Jump up ^ Cord Meyer (1980). Facing Reality: From World Federalism to the CIA. pp. 60–84.
Jump up ^ Jack Anderson (1979). Confessions of a Muckraker. pp. 208–236.
Jump up ^ Evan Thomas (1995). The Very Best Men: The Early Years of the CIA. p. 117.
^ Jump up to: a b Evan Thomas (1995). The Very Best Men: The Early Years of the CIA. pp. 148–150.
Jump up ^ Cord Meyer (1980). Facing Reality: From World Federalism to the CIA. pp. 86–89.
Jump up ^ Evan Thomas (1995). The Very Best Men: The Early Years of the CIA. p. 330.
Jump up ^ Thomas Braden (20 May 1967). "I'm Glad the CIA is 'Immoral'". Saturday Evening Post.
Jump up ^ Mary Louise (2003). Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation.
Jump up ^ Family Jewels, PDF page 5, para. 3
External links[edit]
Carl Bernstein's 1977 article for Rolling Stone "The CIA and the Media"
CIA "Family Jewels" Report

This page was last modified on 9 October 2016, at 18:41.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Push for the Libya War and the Making of a Failed State

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THE LIBYA GAMBLE PART 1 - Hillary Clinton, ‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall

NY Times, “The president was wary. The secretary of state was persuasive. But the ouster of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven.”By JO BECKER and SCOTT SHANE FEB. 27, 2016

THE LIBYA GAMBLE PART 2 - A New Libya, With ‘Very Little Time Left’

NY Times, “The fall of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi seemed to vindicate Hillary Clinton. Then militias refused to disarm, neighbors fanned a civil war, and the Islamic State found refuge.” By SCOTT SHANE and JO BECKER, FEB. 27, 2016

The Forgotten Libyan Lessons and the Syrian War

Consortium News, ” Today, many Democrats don’t want to admit that they have been manipulated into supporting new imperial adventures against Libya, Syria, Ukraine and Russia by the Obama administration as it pulls some of the same propaganda strings that George W. Bush’s administration did in 2002-2003.”By Robert Parry October 6, 2016

Reaping the Whirlwind: Kerry, al-Nusra, Russia and Syria

Counter Punch,  “The Libya UNSC Resolution of 2011: Template for the Syria Resolution of 2017?… … the regime-change assault on Libya from March to October 2011… That catastrophe was initially urged by French president Nicolas Sarkozy and Britain’s prime minister David Cameron and endorsed by then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who persuaded President Obama to ignore the Pentagon’s opposition and lead NATO in bombing what was North Africa’s most prosperous country.” by GARY LEUPP OCTOBER 6, 2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

From Sea to Shining Sea We Must Mend Our Every Flaw and Become a Country That Respects the Constitution and the Law

Clean Up America; It’s Not So Beautiful Anymore

From Sea to Shining Sea We Must Mend Our Every Flaw

Become a Country That Respects the Constitution and the Law

Reject the New World Order with Patriotism from Sea to Shining Sea

Reclaim Amber Waves of Grain Surrendered to GMO Proclivity

Remake the Powerhouse of Manufacturing from Rusting Factories

Reclaim Clean Air and Clean Water from Our Disappearing Legacy

Purple Mountains Majestic Glaciers Should Not Be Melting Away

From Sea To Sea Take Steps to Lessen Climate Change Destructivity

Stop Our Beautiful Spacious Skies from Being Fouled for Perpetuity

End the Insanity of Warlike Brinksmanship Risking World War Three

Rebuild Our Alabaster Cities from Their Disarray

Replace an Modernize Our Infrastructure in Decay

Do Not Allow Our Wilderness Areas to Become Vulture Capitalist Prey

Return Our Government to the People by Taking Out the Money

Replace Fossil Fuel and Climate Denial; the Wind and Sun are Free

Make the Right to Vote a Constitutional Duty

End the Rigged Elections Inherent with the Two Party System

We Need to Do All This and More to Remake America

Reject Hillary’s Game Of:
Slinging Mud and Name Calling
Conjuring Up Fear, Hate and War Bogeymen
Bobbing and Weaving to Change the Focus
Relying on Figures to Lie and Liars to Figure