Friday, February 26, 2016

#BringingDNCtoHeel #BankCash: Is #MoneyInPolitics Influencing DNC favorites & SuperDelegates

In a Message to Democrats, Wall St. Sends Cash to G.O.P.  

Top donors threaten Dems: Do the right thing on guns, or no more money  

Four TBTF Banks Threaten To Withhold Funds To Democrats Over Elizabeth Warren  …

Exclusive: Upset by Warren, U.S. banks debate halting some campaign donations   via @Reuters

Banks Threaten To Cut-Off Democrats, Elizabeth Warren Stands Firm  …

Wall Street banks threaten to withhold campaign funds from Dems in tantrum against Elizabeth Warren  …

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

@BernieSanders Grassroots Revolution - The One and Only Ballot Box Solution

They slice us
They dice us
They lie to us
Ways to divide us

One party with two names
Playing political games
Each the other blames
Both promise change
Give more of the same

@BernieSanders unites us
#FeelTheBern with us
Stand with us
It's about us

@BernieSanders Grassroots Revolution 
The One and Only Ballot Box Solution 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hillary Clinton Gains Support From Another Alleged War Criminal - This Time it’s Tony Blair

Hillary Clinton Gains Support From Another Alleged War Criminal - This Time it’s Tony Blair 
Tony Blair: I support Hillary

Tony Blair faces eggs and a citizen's arrest in Dublin for his new Book  via @YouTube

Crystal clear case for Tony Blair war crimes in Iraq’

Send him to the Hague! Tony Benn on Blair's 'war crimes' (FULL INTERVIEW)  via @YouTube

Jeremy Corbyn on Tony Blair and 'war crimes' - Newsnight  via  @YouTube


One party with two names Playing political games Each the other blames

One party with two names
Playing political games
Each the other blames
Both promise change
Give us more of the same

Ostentatious Consumption and tax cuts
For the oligarch fat asses
Austerity and joblessness
For the poor and middle classes

@BernieSanders Grassroots Revolution

The One and Only Ballot Box Solution

Hillary Clinton self-confessed Protege of Alleged War Criminal Henry Kissinger

Hillary Clinton self-confessed
Protege of Alleged War Criminal Henry Kissinger

The Case Against Kissinger:

Published on Sep 2, 2015   Democracy Now Interview:  Four decades after Henry Kissinger left office, his influence on the national security state can still be widely felt as the United States engages in declared and undeclared wars across the globe.
Greg Grandin on "Kissinger's Shadow" 

Here's What Hillary Clinton's Friend, Henry Kissinger, Did:

Published on Jun 25, 2015 Christopher Hitchens' Book "The Trial of Henry Kissinger" is a point-by-point indictment of Kissinger. Although viewed by many as the greatest statesman of his era, Hitchens refutes that and claims he is actually a war criminal. (Originally aired April 2001).
Christopher Hitchens' polemic against Henry Kissinger

Was Henry Kissinger a War Criminal? Christopher Hitchens on the Controversy (2001) 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sen Richard Black on Seymour Hersh's report "Military to military" & situation in Syria & Middle East.

Sen Richard Black on Seymour Hersh's report "Military to military" & situation in Syria & Middle East.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Poetical Rhymes Reflecting The Times of Grassroots Politics; Democracy Begins at Home and Oligarchy Has To Go

Democracy Begins at Home
Ballot Box Revolution
One & Only Solution
People against oligarchy
Vote & regain democracy
Vote & save our nation

Conservative Scalia dead
Died asleep in bed
Money is speech
Corporate over-reach
A legacy we dread

DNC feigns democracy
Openly flaunts hypocrisy
Ballot Box Revolution
One and only solution
People against oligarchy

DNC becomes irrelevant
Another white elephant
One party with two names
People wise to their games
Duplicity and hypocrisy transparent

Heir apparent Hillary
Put herself in a pillory
So the upset nation
Cancelled her coronation
Kissinger was her tomfoolery

Sanders Slams Clinton’s Admiration for “Destructive” Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

Sec. Clinton and Sen. Sanders full exchange on Henry Kissinger

Future Queen Hillary
Not leadership quality
Greenspan Proposed for a commission
Labeled by Krugman as a key villain
Her past is her pillory

Krugman On Hillary's Greenspan-love BY NOAM SCHEIBER March 25, 2008

Another HRC Blooper-Hillary Clinton Needs a Better Comeback for That Greenspan Line 

Democracy Begins at Home

Democracy Begins at Home
Ballot Box Revolution
One & Only Solution 
People against oligarchy
Vote & regain democracy 
Vote & save our nation

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The DNC irrelevant; People wise to their games; Ballot Box Revolution; People against oligarchy

The DNC becomes irrelevant
Just another white elephant
One party with two names
People wise to their games
Duplicity and hypocrisy transparent 

DNC feigns democracy
Openly flaunts hypocrisy
Ballot Box Revolution
One and only solution 
People against oligarchy

Monday, February 1, 2016

Bernie Sanders Rips PATRIOT Act to Shreds on Senate Floor (Sanders 2016!)

Bernie Sanders Rips PATRIOT Act to Shreds on Senate Floor (Sanders 2016!) via @YouTube

Ed Schultz Obliterates Obama On The TPP

Ed Schultz Obliterates Obama On The TPP via @YouTube 

Mike Papantonio and Ed Schultz on TPP: Corporations are like locusts moving thru the world extracting riches: Obama Will Win on TPP-USA Screwed  via @YouTube

"THE SPEECH" Senator Bernie Sanders Filibuster (Full 8 1/2 hours) and Full Congressional Record Transcript

"THE SPEECH" Senator Bernie Sanders Filibuster (Full 8 1/2 hours) via @YouTube

Full Congressional Record Transcript of Sanders Filibuster 
Friday, December 10, 2010

1985-2015 This video shows consistency of @BernieSanders over the years.

He doesn't flip around 1985-2015 This video shows consistency of @BernieSanders over the years. via @YouTube

Vote 4 @BernieSanders He Doesn't Flip Around

Vote 4  He Doesn't Flip Around 
No flipping around is what  is all about 
On of his best speeches ever