Saturday, April 30, 2016

In case you missed these: In Depth Analytical Legal Opinions of Hillary Clinton FBI Investigations

What Laws Did Hillary Clinton Break with Her State Dept. Private Email Server?

Do I Really Need to Worry About Hillary’s Emails? Yes. She Will Be Indicted. (Full Form)  

Opinion: Why Hillary Clinton Will Be Indicted For Mishandling Classified Information

Scarborough Tears Into Obama for Hillary Defense: ‘A Criminal Investigation is Being Rigged’

Published on Apr 15, 2016 Citizens of the United States, This is a news message from Anonymous. Conservative legal watchdogs have discovered new emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server dating back to the first days of her tenure as secretary of State.

Investigators Find Emails Hillary Clinton Said Were Erased 

FBI Said to Recover Personal E-Mails From Hillary Clinton Server

added 5/4/16

Hillary Clinton’s Damning Emails By Ray McGovern  ex-CIA analyst

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Effort to Draft Senator Bernie Sanders as a Green Party Candidate in 2016 And Why I Believe Senator Bernie Sanders should run

I believe @SenSanders @BernieSanders should run for 
POTUS as a Green Party candidate. 

GP has a #ImWithJill following that will augment 
#BernieOrBust #NeverHillary #NeverTrump movements 
and turn the #BernieRevolution into an invincible political powerhouse 
that will steamroll the RNC & DNC into oblivion.

I believe #EnoughIsEnough defections from both DNC and RNC 
would decimate both of these oligarch corrupted parties 
and restore democracy to the USA

The DNC and RNC are addicted to oligarch’s money in politics.

DNC and RNC will never make the changes that 
@SenSanders has fought for all his political life. 
There is no cure for the oligarchs' greed. 
Oligarchs will always find willing minions.
They have cushy jobs. 
They hobnob with oligarchs. 
Will never give up their power to select "the lesser of two evils" POTUS candidates.
Will always have the option of becoming a seven $ figure lobbyists.

Read this article.
Effort to Draft Senator Bernie Sanders as a Green Party Candidate in 2016 via @I_P_R  

This article states in part:  "Sanders cannot win the Democratic primary. Raising progressive issues within the Democratic primary does nothing to change the course of the neoliberal Hillary Clinton and the course of the Democratic Party, just as campaigns by Dennis Kucinich and others have not changed the direction of the Democratic Party. Running within the Democratic primary results in millions and millions of Sanders supporters investing in and supporting Democratic neoliberalism–not progress."

@SenSanders @BernieSanders created the #BernieRevolution 
that will continue for a very long time 
We must hope and pray and cajole Bernie Sanders
to keep the #BernieRevolution going


Democrat? Green? Independent? The ‘Run Bernie Run’Activists want him to consider his political options.  via @thenation

Is Bernie Sanders' Best Option to Run for President As a Green?
“If you want a revolution, you have to do something revolutionary.”

Jill Stein pens open letter to Bernie: Green Party presidential candidate
 invites Sanders to “cooperate on political revolution”

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Bernie Sanders Shall Not Be POTUS: DNC PLAN B

Sanders as POTUS Emerging
Despite suppression & purging
Hillary POTUS hopes dwindling
Joe Biden waits in the wings
Ready to take a POTUS Fling

Bernie Sanders shall not be POTUS-DNC PLAN B
NWO Joe Biden replaces failing Hillary
Biden and Clinton are Birds of a Feather
Both have miserable voting records
DNC/RNC depletes USA democracy

Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are the Establishment See shameful voting records RT :

#NeverBiden #NeverHillary #NoGOP


RT Sara Cohen @saracohennyc 

RT Sara Cohen @saracohennyc 
#BernieStrong #AllTheWay #WeAreBernie 

RT #ForThePeople ‏@BernieVolunteer  ...momentum will only get bigger and bigger. This is ONLY THE BEGINNING! #feelthebern #BernieSanders @BernieSanders

RT @LurganShmith  America has finally found its second party: progressive #Birdie Sanders #FeelTheBern #BernieOrBust #BernieOrGreen

Only 1 party w 2 names survives
Not The Beacon of Democracy
Of democracy they made a mockery

Help Get the Vote Out in California by sharing this page: via @vote_for_bernie

Thanks DNC/RNC for showing the world and USA people how dreadfully, despicably, horribly and thoroughly corrupted by money USA democracy has become

#FollowYourConscience #FeelTheBern @BernieSanders

Saturday, April 2, 2016

AZ primary a disgrace, Sanders WA,HI, UT, AK & ID totals elate

Mar 29

Money and politics mixed Dishonesty reigns and elections fixed
Democracy is gone
Oligarchs have won
When major parties act as one

AZ primary a disgrace
Clinton wins first place
Sanders wins the other five
Huge wins keep Sanders alive
Sanders WA,HI, UT, AK & ID totals elate 

Election rigging abounds
Voter suppression astounds
Will people ever get wise
Only one party with two names survives
How long will DNC/GOP be around

Surely not “The Beacon of Democracy”
DNC/GOP obediently serves the oligarchy
Not a shining light on the hill
Seems only corrupt hollow shills
Of democracy they made a mockery

       Sanders   Clinton
AZ     39.9%    57.6%
WA    72.7%    27.1%  
HI     69.8%    30.0% 
UT     79.3%   20.3%
AK     81.6%   18.4%
ID     78.0%    21.2% 

more on twitter: #NEVADA

Bernie Sanders Wins the Nevada Caucus After All Tom Cahill | April 3, 2016