Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Clinton/Trump AIPAC ‘Pander-Off’ Clinton & Trump competed to avow their love for Israel more ardently

The Clinton/Trump AIPAC ‘Pander-Off’ Clinton & Trump competed to avow their love for Israel more ardently https://consortiumnews.com/2016/03/22/the-clintontrump-aipac-pander-off/

Groveling Before AIPAC https://consortiumnews.com/2016/03/26/groveling-before-aipac/

Also See:

USA politicians groveling is clear - Careful to say what AIPAC wants to hear - Bernie Sanders said what AIPAC fears http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2016/03/usa-politicians-groveled-in-fear.html?spref=tw

Sunday, March 27, 2016

#FeelTheBern @BernieSanders People in Government Change But Nothing Changes. What We Must Do To Change America

#FeelTheBern @BernieSanders People in Government Change But Nothing Changes. What We Must Do To Change America:
#‎NeverHillary #‎BernieOrBust

#FeelTheBern @BernieSanders needs landslide victories in All the Remaining Primaries to Win - It's up to us to give him those victories.

@BernieSanders supporters take note #‎FeelTheBern and vote 2016 Primary Schedule
GOTO 2016 Primary Schedule – 2016 Election Central http://po.st/IaiHHY  via @po_st

Also We Must...

Vote Nov 2016 to Stop the GOP/DNC oligarchy & GIVE @BernieSanders a new Congress:

Clean Out Congress and #Sandersize 34 Senate Seats and 435 House of Representive Seats http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2016/03/clean-out-congress-and-sandersize-34.html?spref=tw

Here's a Woman To Look Up To:
50+ Senator Elizabeth Warren Speeches
Fighting For the Soul of the USA

This Woman Deserves Democratic Senate Leadership:
Senator Elizabeth Warren Can Become Senate Majority Leader
If We All Vote in a 2016 @BernieSanders Ballot Box Political Revolution

Friday, March 25, 2016

Only one party with two names survives - Surely not “The Beacon of Democracy” - Of democracy they made a mockery

Election rigging abounds
Voter suppression astounds
Will people ever get wise
Only one party with two names survives
How long will DNC/GOP be around

Surely not “The Beacon of Democracy”
DNC/GOP obediently serves the oligarchy
Not a shining light on the hill
Seems only corrupt hollow shills
Of democracy they made a mockery

Surely not “The Beacon of Democracy” - Of democracy they made a mockery

Surely not “The Beacon of Democracy”
DNC obediently serves the oligarchy
Not a shining light on the hill
Seems only a corrupt hollow shill
Of democracy they made a mockery 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

USA politicians groveling is clear - Careful to say what AIPAC wants to hear - Only Bernie Sanders said what AIPAC fears

AIPAC came to town again this year
USA politicians groveling is clear
Careful to say what AIPAC wants to hear
Only Bernie Sanders said what AIPAC fears

Bernie Sanders' foreign policy speech in Salt Lake City, Utah (3-21-16) https://youtu.be/51fy5GzceAk   via @YouTube

Via @NPR: Bernie Sanders Won Democrats Abroad ... But Who Are They? http://n.pr/1RdGQ3U

Bernie Sanders promises "level playing field" on Israel-Palestine conflict http://interc.pt/1QHFOOP   by @mazmhussain

Bernie Sanders won America’s largest Arab community by being open to them  http://interc.pt/220vQiF   by @ZaidJilani

Bernie Sanders spoke up for suffering Palestinians, but few in broadcast media covered it http://interc.pt/1UixfNf   by @ZaidJilani

What Sanders said on Israel in AIPAC speech that AIPAC did not allow him to deliver remotely http://www.jpost.com/US-Elections/What-Sanders-said-on-Israel-in-AIPAC-speech-that-he-was-not-allowed-to-deliver-448803

added; 3-29-16:

The Clinton/Trump AIPAC ‘Pander-Off’ Clinton & Trump competed to avow their love for Israel more ardently https://consortiumnews.com/2016/03/22/the-clintontrump-aipac-pander-off/

Groveling Before AIPAC https://consortiumnews.com/2016/03/26/groveling-before-aipac/

Monday, March 21, 2016

Knowledge, Truth, Honesty & Integrity versus Ignorance, Lies, Deceit, Greed, Corruption & Rot

Knowledge, Truth, Honesty & Integrity
define @BernieSanders

Ignorance, Lies, Deceit, Greed, Corruption & Rot
define the oligarch parties

@BernieSanders supporters take note #FeelTheBern and vote 2016 Primary Schedule – 2016 Election Central http://po.st/IaiHHY via @po_st

@BernieSanders supporters take note
#FeelTheBern and vote

2016 Primary Schedule – 2016 Election Central http://po.st/IaiHHY   via @po_st

Thursday, March 17, 2016

"The madman theory was a primary characteristic of the foreign policy conducted by U.S. President Richard Nixon."

Madman theory
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madman_theory

The madman theory was an important part of Richard Nixon's foreign policy
The madman theory was a primary characteristic of the foreign policy conducted by U.S. President Richard Nixon. His administration, the executive branch of the federal government of the United States from 1969 to 1974, attempted to make the leaders of other countries think Nixon was mad, and that his behavior was irrational and volatile. According to Nixon's theory, leaders of hostile Communist Bloc nations would then avoid provoking the United States, fearing an unpredictable American response.

Nixon explained the strategy to his White House Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman:

I call it the Madman Theory, Bob. I want the North Vietnamese to believe I've reached the point where I might do anything to stop the war. We'll just slip the word to them that, "for God's sake, you know Nixon is obsessed about communism. We can't restrain him when he's angry—and he has his hand on the nuclear button" and Ho Chi Minh himself will be in Paris in two days begging for peace.[1]

In October 1969, the Nixon administration indicated to the Soviet Union that "the madman was loose" when the United States military was ordered to full global war readiness alert (unbeknownst to the majority of the American population), and bombers armed with thermonuclear weapons flew patterns near the Soviet border for three consecutive days.[2]

The administration employed the "madman strategy" to force the North Vietnamese government to negotiate a peace to end the Vietnam War.[3] Along the same lines, American diplomats (Henry Kissinger in particular) portrayed the 1970 incursion into Cambodia as a symptom of Nixon's supposed instability.[4]

Nixon's use of the strategy during the Vietnam War was problematic. The theory makes the assumption that the opponent will surrender, fearing that he will be attacked with extreme force regardless of potentially suicidal consequences. In Vietnam, this would imply that Nixon would be willing to use nuclear weapons to 'win' the war heedless of nuclear retaliation from the USSR or China. Nixon hoped this perception would allow for a resolution without need of force, but he never managed to truly create that image. As historian Michael Sherry put it: "First, while he would pretend to be willing to pay any price to achieve his goals, his opponents actually were willing to pay any price to achieve theirs. Second, Nixon had the misfortune to preside over a democracy growing weary and increasingly critical of the struggle."[5]

The madman strategy can be related to Niccolò Machiavelli, who, in his Discourses on Livy (book 3, chapter 2) discusses how it is at times "a very wise thing to simulate madness." Kimball, in Nixon's Vietnam War, argues that Nixon arrived at the strategy independently, as a result of practical experience and observation of Dwight D. Eisenhower's handling of the Korean War.[5]

Haldeman, H. R. (1978). The Ends of Power. Times Books. p. 122.

Carroll, James (2005-06-14). "Nixon's madman strategy". The Boston Globe. Retrieved 2007-04-01.

Robert D. Schulzinger (2002). U.S. Diplomacy Since 1900. Oxford University Press US. p. 303. ISBN 9780195142211.

Michael S. Sherry. In the Shadow of War. Yale University Press, 1995. ISBN 0-300-07263-5. Page 312.

Jump up to: a b David A. Welch (2005). Painful Choices. Princeton University Press. p. 154. ISBN 9780691123400.

Kimball, Jeffrey (24 October 2005), Did Thomas C. Schelling Invent the Madman Theory?, History News Network

Sagan, Scott D.; Jeremi Suri (Spring 2003), "The Madman Nuclear Alert: Secrecy, Signaling, and Safety in October 1969", International Security 27 (4): 150–183, doi:10.1162/016228803321951126, JSTOR http://www.jstor.org/stable/4137607
Suri, Jeremi (March 2008), "The Nukes of October: Richard Nixon's Secret Plan to Bring Peace to Vietnam", Wired 16 (3)

See also[edit]
Deterrence theory
Operation Giant Lance

Categories: Presidency of Richard NixonHistory of the foreign relations of the United StatesForeign policy doctrines of the United StatesCold WarNuclear strategiesVietnam War

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

If Trump is PNAC’s "Charismatic Hitler"; that is as scary as NWO Hillary Clinton!

If Is Trump is PNAC’s "Charismatic Hitler"
That is as scary as NWO Hillary Clinton

Many won't vote 4 either
A strong 3rd party is needed

Is the Green Party the only rational choice?

Peace Activist and Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Beaten, Arrested for Silent Protest at Clinton Speech

Peace Activist and Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Beaten, Arrested for Silent Protest at Clinton Speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSiBpqk_93U

We are the “Beacon of Democracy”

If you want more of the same
That’s Hillary Clinton’s game
Both parties gave us what we got
Corruption greed and rot
Oligarchs know no shame

Oligarchs will decide who we get
It’s just an election; get over it
You’ll have another chance in 4 years
We are the “Beacon of Democracy”

Monday, March 14, 2016

Clean Out Congress and #Sandersize 34 Senate Seats and 435 House of Representive Seats


Sandersize These 34 Senate Seats  NOV 8, 2016 
2016 Senate Election Interactive Map: http://www.270towin.com/2016-senate-election/  via @270toWin

Sandersize ALL these 435 House of Representives Seats NOV 8, 2016 
#NoTPP #NoGOP http://www.270towin.com/2016-house-election/  via @270toWin

The Congress Rules the Roost 

Think About It. 

It's a "Double Whammy"

Bernie Sanders Needs A Congress Behind Him To Make His Issues Law 

DNC Candidates Owe Their Existence to Corporate Contributors Not to You and Me

Therefore, Sanders Supporters Should Organize & Back Candidates for Congress. 

No Matter Who Wins The Presidency on NOV 8, 2016 Sandersize Congress and Bernie's Issues are Guaranteed to Pass Congress 

NOV 8, 2016 Clean Out Congress & Sandersize 34 Senate Seats and 435 House of Representives Seats (See Maps Above)

Hillary "Misspeaks" "History's a bitch when it's on record."

Hillary "Misspeaks" by Abby  Zimet, staff writer Friday, March 11, 2016 Common Dreams  - http://goo.gl/kwPRZ5

“The backlash was swift Friday when Hillary Clinton, whose strong suit is evidently not history, bizarrely praised the Reagans for their "advocacy" and launch of a "national conversation" on AIDS, when in fact they infamously looked away as 20,000 people died on their oblivious watch.”

“Clinton almost as swiftly apologized noting that… … she "misspoke" about their record on H.I.V. and AIDS”

 - "misspoke" being a quaint and quintessentially Clintonesque word for "lie," and one she apparently likes to use, like when she "misspoke" about being fired on by snipers while landing in Bosnia.”

“"History's a bitch when it's on record."

Other articles:

5 times Hillary Clinton has played fast and loose with the facts on Bernie Sanders's record http://wpo.st/o7kL1 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/10/5-times-hillary-clinton-has-played-fast-and-loose-with-the-facts-on-bernie-sanderss-record/

Clinton Healthcare Hit Backfires as Evidence Shows Sanders 'Literally' Right Behind Her -

Clinton Healthcare Hit Backfires as Evidence Shows Sanders 'Literally' Right Behind Her - 

by  Common Dreams 

 "Where was he when I was trying to get health care in ’93 and ’94?" ... Yeah, the photograph kind of says it all

A: The answer: “Literally, standing right behind her,” “a Sanders spokesman, Mike Casca, said on Twitter, posting a photo from a 1994 news conference that shows Mr. Sanders next to Mrs. Clinton when the then first lady spoke about the White House’s proposed health care overhaul”

On You Tube:

Hillary Caught in Another Lie About Bernie Sanders - Bernie Was Behind Her on Health Reform in 90s https://youtu.be/E4W1g5L931c via @YouTube

Another answer:

secretary clinton and bernie are sitting next to each other in this photo. what does it all mean,

Trump Puts Foot In Mouth - @BernieSanders Calls Him Out

Trump Puts Foot In Mouth
@BernieSanders Calls Him Out

How To End Oil Wars

Keep fossil fuel in the ground
Use the sun shining down
Let the winds be our friends
To end oil war this depends
Climate Crisis comes round

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath - byJeffrey D. Sachs

Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath - by Jeffrey D. Sachs  http://goo.gl/SuGsc9 Published February 14, 2016 by Common Dreams

(A Short Summary)

“In the Milwaukee debate, Hillary Clinton took pride in her role in a recent UN Security Council resolution on a Syrian ceasefire:”

But I would add this. You know, the Security Council finally got around to adopting a resolution. At the core of that resolution is an agreement I negotiated in June of 2012 in Geneva, which set forth a cease-fire and moving toward a political resolution, trying to bring the parties at stake in Syria together.

“This is the kind of compulsive misrepresentation that makes Clinton unfit to be President.”

“Clinton's role in Syria has been to help instigate and prolong the Syrian bloodbath, not to bring it to a close.”

“In 2012, Clinton was the obstacle, not the solution, to a ceasefire being negotiated by UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan.”

“It was US intransigence - Clinton's intransigence - that led to the failure of Annan's peace efforts in the spring of 2012, a point well known among diplomats.”

“Despite Clinton's insinuation in the Milwaukee debate, there was (of course) no 2012 ceasefire, only escalating carnage.”

Clinton bears heavy responsibility for that carnage, which has by now displaced more than 10 million Syrians and left more than 250,000 dead.”

“…the Syrian War is not mostly about Bashar al-Assad, or even about Syria itself. It is mostly a proxy war, about Iran

“Clinton has been much more than a bit player in the Syrian crisis.”

“The U.S. policy was a massive, horrific failure. Assad did not go, and was not defeated. Russia came to his support. Iran came to his support.”

“The record of misery caused by covert CIA operations literally fills volumes at this point. What surprise, then, the Clinton acknowledges Henry Kissinger as a mentor and guide?”

“She [Hillary Clinton] has much to answer for regarding the disaster in Syria.”

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Austerity Is Going Round Economic Spiral Circling Down

Sponsors of terrorist’s plots
Sending in more special ops
Blood and treasures lost
Downtrodden pay the cost
Endless war never stops

Governed by fascist mentality
To make safe our democracy
Fight terrorists near and far
The more we kill, the more there are
All for our security

Constitution in tatters
Blood for oil splatters
Brinksmanship on all fronts
Arming terrorists’ stunts
Obama attends to matters

Austerity is going round
Economic spiral circling down
Jobless figures they fake
The less there is the more the take
Oligarch minions abound

2016 Election insurgency
Rejects Duopoly's Oligarchy
Anti-establishment candidates
Each their party hates 
For fighting fascist Kleptocracy

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The "New World Order"At Work

Constitution in tatters
Blood for oil splattered
Brinksmanship on all fronts
Arming terrorists’ stunts
Obama attends to matters

Sponsors of terrorist’s plots
Sending in more special ops
Blood and treasures lost
Downtrodden pay the cost
Endless war never stops

Some of My Favorite 2011 Posts

Some of My Favorite 2012 Posts

Some of My Favorite 2013 Posts

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Grassroots Movements Back Candidates and Voters Will Come

Bernie Sanders supporters should organize & back candidates for congress. 

Why should DNC have control over our representatives? #FeelTheBern 

Think About It.

Bernie Sanders Needs A Congress Behind Him To Be An Effective President.

DNC Candidates Owe Their Existence To The DNC Not to You and Me.

Sandersize These 34 Senate Seats  NOV 8, 2016 

SEE 2016 Senate Election Interactive Map: http://www.270towin.com/2016-senate-election/  via @270toWin

Sandersize ALL these 435 House of Representives Seats NOV 8, 2016 

SEE 2016 House Election Interactive Map: http://www.270towin.com/2016-house-election/  via @270toWin

Clean Out Congress and #Sandersize 34 Senate Seats and 435 House of Representive Seats


Sandersize These 34 Senate Seats  NOV 8, 2016 
2016 Senate Election Interactive Map: http://www.270towin.com/2016-senate-election/  via @270toWin

Sandersize ALL these 435 House of Representives Seats NOV 8, 2016 
#NoTPP #NoGOP http://www.270towin.com/2016-house-election/  via @270toWin

The Congress Rules the Roost 

Think About It. 

It's a "Double Whammy"

Bernie Sanders Needs A Congress Behind Him To Make His Issues Law 

DNC Candidates Owe Their Existence to Corporate Contributors Not to You and Me

Therefore, Sanders Supporters Should Organize & Back Candidates for Congress. 

No Matter Who Wins The Presidency on NOV 8, 2016 Sandersize Congress and Bernie's Issues are Guaranteed to Pass Congress 

NOV 8, 2016 Clean Out Congress & Sandersize 34 Senate Seats and 435 House of Representives Seats (See Maps Above)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Fate of All Empires

Variant of gunboat diplomacy
Brinkmanship foreign policy
Dogs of war released
Endless War - No Peace
Portends imperialists’ bankruptcy

War machines exhaust funds
Then the crash comes
And surely it must
Empires turned to dust
Nothing left but crumbs 

A List Of My Favorite Posts thru April 10, 2015

I began my blog in the spring of 2011 in support of the Wisconsin uprising. The 1% don’t like anyone controlling their greed. I want democracy in America.  Illinois  michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com

 "War Is A Racket" By Major General Smedley Butler - From Wikipedia http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/04/public-domain-audio-book-war-is-racket.html?spref=tw  …

Government Printing Office PDF DOWNLOAD: Public Law 107 - 56 (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001 http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/04/government-printing-office-pdf-download.html?spref=tw  …

Political Power Belongs To Voters NOT GOP&DEM #TPP Double-Dealing Centrists http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/05/political-power-belongs-to-voters-not.html?spref=tw  …

TYT: “LOVE OBAMA? "THIS WILL PISS YOU OFF (BUT YOU NEED TO HEAR IT)” [IT’S ALL TRUE] http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/05/tyt-love-obama-this-will-piss-you-off.html?spref=tw  …

Defined & Explained: United States High Crimes and Misdemeanors (from Wikipedia) http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/06/united-states-high-crimes-and.html?spref=tw  …

#TAA #TPA #TPP TROJAN HORSE DEALER: DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ DNC CHAIR  VOTED FOR #TPA FAST TRACK http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/06/taa-tpa-tpp-trojan-horse-dealer-debbie.html?spref=tw  …

#TAA #TPA #TPP TROJAN HORSE DEALER Nancy Pelosi: “…to get a better deal …" http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/06/taa-tpa-tpp-trojan-horse-dealer-nancy.html?spref=tw  …

#TAA #TPA #TPP TROJAN HORSE DEALER: Hillary Clinton: “…get the best, strongest deal possible.” http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/06/taa-tpa-tpp-trojan-horse-dealer-hillary.html?spref=tw  …

NAMES BY STATE: 28 DEMOCRAT REPRESENTATIVES that JOINED 190 GOP TO PASS #TPA "FAST TRACK" TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/06/28-democrat-representatives-joined-gop.html?spref=tw  …

HOUSE #TPA VOTE BY STATE: GOP & DEM AYES & NAYs on #TPA "FAST TRACK" TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/06/house-tpa-vote-by-state-from.html?spref=tw  …

Listed By State 20 Of 28 Democrat House Members Voting to Pass Fast Track #TPA Belong To THE NEW DEMOCRAT COALITION http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/06/19-of-28-democrat-house-members-voting.html?spref=tw  …

Names of 13 DEM and 47 GOP SENATORS By State That Voted to Pass #TPA TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/06/60-traitors-13-democrat-senators-joined.html?spref=tw  …

New World Order (NWO) What's It All About? Some YouTube Speeches http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/07/nwo-whats-it-all-about-some-youtube.html?spref=tw  …

Some Call It Treason: List Of 47 Senators By State That Sent A Letter To IRAN http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/07/some-call-it-treason-list-of-47.html?spref=tw  …
Senator Elizabeth Warren Can Become Senate Majority Leader If We All Vote in a 2016 Ballot Box Political Revolution http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/senator-elizabeth-warren-will-become.html?spref=tw  …

We Must Vote to Sandersize These 34 Senate Seats Up For Election Nov 2016 http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/bernerize-these-34-senate-seats-up-for.html?spref=tw  …

50+ Senator Elizabeth Warren 2015 Speeches Fighting For the Soul of the USA via http://Youtube.com  http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/senator-elizabeth-warrens-speeches-on.html?spref=tw  …

Climate Change Scientists Give Dire Warnings Backed Up By Facts http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/climate-change-scientists-give-dire.html?spref=tw  …

Krugman: Austerity Effectively Exploits Economic Depression To Pursue Ideological Goal Of Smaller State http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/krugman-austerity-effectively-exploits.html?spref=tw  …

Henry Kissinger: "Obama will create a New World Order" https://youtu.be/q1r-3q9PXoM  via @YouTube http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/henry-kissinger-obama-will-create-new.html?spref=tw  …

Abraham Lincoln: “I see a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/abraham-lincoln-i-see-crisis.html?spref=tw  …

Barry Goldwater in his l964 book: With No Apologies: Explains The Trilateral Commission http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/barry-goldwater-in-his-l964-book-with.html?spref=tw  …

Barry Goldwater Discusses: Trilateral Commission; Elections; & Council on Foreign Relations http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/barry-goldwater-discusses-trilateral.html?spref=tw  …

Form Your Own Opinion About #TPA #TPP Instead of Blind Faith In The Billionaire Class Propaganda http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/normal-0-false-false-false-en-us-x-none.html?spref=tw  …

Play Reveille For Me Darling: Somewhere In The Multiverse, Is A World Without Our Curse. http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/u.html?spref=tw  …

James Hansen Speaks About Seriousness of Global Warming via YouTube http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/08/james-hansen-speaks-about-seriousness.html?spref=tw  …

Scientists Explain Climate Change and the #MethaneMonster with #hockeystickgraph (via YouTube Links) http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/09/scientists-explain-climate-change-and.html?spref=tw  …

Iraq War Critic Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski U.S. Air Force Retired Following Service At The Pentagon http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/10/karen-u-kwiatkowski-retired-from-us-air.html?spref=tw  …

VOTING IS IMPORTANT:143 Examples How “Money Is Speech” & “Corps are People” Destroys Democracy & Usurps Government http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/11/why-voting-is-important-143-examples.html?spref=tw  …

THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT YATES MEMO “ ..by holding accountable all individuals who engage in wrongdoing.” http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/11/the-justice-department-yates-memo-to.html?spref=tw  …

Bernie Sanders' Speech at Georgetown University on FDR's Democratic Socialism http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/11/bernie-sanders-speech-at-georgetown.html?spref=tw  …

VA State Sen. Richard Black: “If we stop training, arming jihadists, the war will end” via YOUTUBE http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/12/va-state-sen-richard-black-if-we-stop.html?spref=tw  …

State of the Union is a National Disgrace. It’s Time to Fix This Place http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2016/01/state-of-union-disgrace-its-time-to-fix.html?spref=tw  …

Hillary Clinton self-confessed Protege of Alleged War Criminal Henry Kissinger http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2016/02/hillary-clinton-self-confessed-protege.html?spref=tw  …

Hillary Clinton Gains Support From Another Alleged War Criminal - This Time it’s Tony Blair http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2016/02/hillary-clinton-gains-support-from.html?spref=tw  …

FDR "They talk of a "new order" in the world, what they have in mind is a revival of the oldest & the worst tyranny" http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2014/06/fdr-they-may-talk-of-new-order-in-world.html?spref=tw  …

#BringingDNCtoHeel #BankCash: Is #MoneyInPolitics Influencing DNC favorites & SuperDelegates http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2016/02/bankcash-is-moneyinpolitics-undue.html?spref=tw  …

Sandersize These 34 Senate Seats NOV 8, 2016  2016 Senate Election Interactive Map: http://www.270towin.com/2016-senate-election/  … via @270toWin

Sandersize ALL these 435 House of Representives Seats NOV 8, 2016 #NoTPP #NoGOP http://www.270towin.com/2016-house-election/  …  via @270toWin

Monday, March 7, 2016

Our Civic Duty NOV 8, 2016: Sandersize 34 Senate Seats & All 435 House of Representives Seats-See Maps

2016 Senate Election Interactive Map: http://www.270towin.com/2016-senate-election/   via @270toWin

Sandersize ALL these 435 House of Representives Seats NOV 8, 2016  
#NoTPP #NoGOP http://www.270towin.com/2016-house-election/   via @270toWin

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Two Anti-Establishment POTUS Candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are rejected by the "One Party With Two Names"

One party with two names
Playing political games
Each the other blames
Both promise change 
Give more of same 

#BringingDNCtoHeel #BankCash: Is #MoneyInPolitics Influencing DNC favorites & SuperDelegates http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2016/02/bankcash-is-moneyinpolitics-undue.html?spref=tw 

#FeelTheBern @BernieSanders Was The DNC "Brought To Heel" Check This Out And You Decide http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2016/03/was-dnc-brought-to-heel-check-this-out.html?spref=tw 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Was The DNC "Brought To Heel" Check This Out And You Decide

CHAIR OF DNC Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) Voted to Pass #TPA TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY with 27 Dems & 190 GOP  http://michaelangelo-raphaelo.blogspot.com/2015/06/28-democrat-representatives-joined-gop.html?spref=tw 

DNC Chair D W Schultz Joins Republicans On Payday Loans https://youtu.be/zmKbfWdA0ro  via @YouTube

DNC chair D W Schultz joins GOP attack on Elizabeth Warren's agency http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/debbie-wasserman-schultz-paylenders-cfpb_us_56d4ce38e4b03260bf77e8fc  via @HuffPostPol

The National Media [Was] Instructed By DNC Not to Count Superdelegates, So Why Have They Refused? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/seth-abramson/the-national-media-has-be_b_9364170.html  via @HuffPostPol

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Shouldn't Be Welcoming Loan Sharks Into the Democratic Party http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tim-canova/debbie-wasserman-schultz-payday-loans_b_9360186.html  via @HuffPostPol

DNC chair D W Schultz claims weekend debates are meant to "maximize" attention for candidates http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/democratic-debate-schedule_us_569bf741e4b0b4eb759ec2c0  via @HuffPostPol

To DNC Chair Schultz "Dear Debbie" millennial women aren't "complacent" about reproductive rights http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dear-debbie-millennial-women-arent-complacent-about-reproductive-rights_us_568e83ebe4b0c8beacf5de15  via @HuffPostWomen

Distrust with DNC: Former top Obama advisor accuses DNC of "putting finger on scale" for Clinton http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/former-obama-advisor-accuses-dnc_us_567592fde4b014efe0d5bb67  via @HuffPostPol

Insurrection Erupts at the Democratic National Committee http://bloom.bg/1LRdmte  via @bpolitics

DNC Chair D W Schultz couldnt explain difference between a Democrat and a socialist. But did limit debates http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arnold-steinberg/democratic-socialism-stuf_b_9012400.html  via @HuffPostPol

@BernieSanders Will Become POTUS Despite Rigged Schedules, Skewed Polls, & Clinton 'Inevitability' http://www.huffingtonpost.com/h-a-goodman/bernie-sanders-will-become-president_b_8780730.html  via @HuffPostPol

DNC chair says Tulsi Gabbard [was not invited] would have been a "distraction" at Democratic debate http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dnc-chair-tulsi-gabbard_us_561d8523e4b0c5a1ce6104c9  via @HuffPostPol

DNC Locks Bernie Sanders Inside Underground Bunker Until After Primaries http://www.huffingtonpost.com/spencer-green/democratic-national-commi_1_b_8848382.html  via @HuffPostComedy