Thursday, November 5, 2015

WHY VOTING IS IMPORTANT: 143 Examples How “Money Is Speech” and “Corporations are People” Destroys USA Democracy and Usurps Government

  1. Fund ALEC
  2. Dark Money PACS
  3. Expand Money in Politics
  4. Buy America State By State
  5. Exploit Immigrant Workers
  6. Increase Tax Cuts for the Rich
  7. Increase Corporate Welfare
  8. Increase Taxes on Poor
  9. Expand Bankster Gambling
  10. Too Big to Fail Economy
  11. Expand Corporate Rule
  12. Destroy Unions
  13. Destroy Social Security
  14. Destroy Medicare
  15. Destroy Medicaid
  16. Shrink Government
  17. Reduce Government Regulation
  18. Abolish EPA
  19. Abolish FDA
  20. Abolish FCC
  21. Abolish Health Care Program
  22. Drown Government in Bathtub
  23. Reward the Rich
  24. Punish Workers
  25. Punish Elderly
  26. Punish Veterans
  27. Punish the Poor
  28. Promote Hatred of Women
  29. Promote Racism
  30. Legislate Sexual Behavior
  31. Promote Anti-Abortion Legislation
  32. Deny Women's Rights
  33. Starve Poor Children
  34. Promote Vulture Capitalism
  35. Ship Jobs Overseas
  36. Discourage People from Voting
  37. Frack America
  38. Increase Polluting Clean Water Supply
  39. Increase Polluting Clean Air
  40. Fast Track TPP
  41. Approve Tar Sands KXL Pipeline
  42. Privatize Government Assets for Profit
  43. Privatize USPS Pension Fund
  44. Privatize Social security
  45. Privatize Education but Keep Taxpayer Funding
  46. Privatize Commons but Keep Taxpayer Funding
  47. Privatize USPS But Keep Taxpayer Funding
  48. Destroy FDR's New Deal
  49. Dumb Down Education
  50. Forbid Critical Thinking
  51. Deny Evolution
  52. Deny Climate Change
  53. Deny Science
  54. Promote Darwinism
  55. Promote Ayn Rand Teachings
  56. Promote Creationism Teachings
  57. Promote Discredited Teachings
  58. Lie, Cheat and Steal
  59. Circulate Misinformation, Misquotes and Lies        
  60. Promote Greed
  61. Money Corrupted Government
  62. Swear Oaths to Norquist             
  63. Best Friends of Special Interests
  64. Misquote Opponent
  65. Deceived Public
  66. Corporate Welfare         
  67. Distorted Truths   
  68. Voted 50 times to Repeal Health Care Law (Obamacare)
  69. Destroy Social Safety Net
  70. Oil Subsidies
  71. Militarized Police
  72. Suppressing Voters
  73. Student Loan Debt
  74. Increase Student Loan Interest
  75. Destroy Democracy       
  76. Promote Hate
  77. Plutocracy         
  78. SCOTUS Citizens United Decision
  79. Secret Donors
  80. Secret Dollars   
  82. Calling 47% of USA Lazy Takers           
  83. 1% Ownership of the USA             
  84. 99% Irrelevant
  85. Rule by Oligarchy
  86. Unpaid Donut Hole        
  87. Unpaid Wars
  88. Unpaid Tax Cuts
  89. Revolving Door Regulatory Capture
  90. SCOTUS Politicians in Robes             
  91. Supply Side Voodoo Economics
  92. Secret Societies
  93. Corporations are People
  94. Money is Speech             
  95. Legitimate Rape             
  96. Vaginal Probes
  97. Senate Filibusters
  98. Do Nothing Congress  
  99. Endless War
  100. Infrastructure Decay  
  101. Malevolent Wealth
  102. Maximized Tax Evasion
  103. Destroyed Middle Class
  104. Lowing Standard Of Living
  105. Profits thru Privatizing Commons
  106. Poorly Educated Children
  107. Banks Too Big to Fail
  108. Bankers Too Important To Jail
  109. Destroyed American Dream
  110. Greed Driven Largess
  111. 1% Wealth Overflowing
  112. 99% Wealth Dwindling
  113. SCOTUS Judges Ripe For Impeachment
  114. Refusal to Enforce Regulations
  115. A Congress Less Popular Than Cockroaches
  116. Continued Middle Class Destruction
  117. Go Backward to 18th Century Feudalism
  118. Maintain Fossil Fuel Reliance
  119. Hedge Fund Bubbles
  120. Disgraceful Renewable Energy Policy
  121. Politicians Selling Their Souls for Campaign Cash
  122. Shifting Taxes from the Top to the Bottom
  123. A Race to the Bottom
  124. A Scorched Earth Energy Policy
  125. Unaccountable and Wasteful Military Spending
  126.  Weapons We Don't Need and Military Doesn't Want
  127. War on Reason
  128. Hungry Are Not Fed
  129. Military Industrial Banking Congressional Complex
  130. FASCISM in USA
  131. Growth of Private Power
  132. Ownership of Government by Individuals and/or Groups
  133. Mass Menial Servitude
  134. A Poisoned Planet Earth
  135. Contraception Laws
  136. SCOTUS Rulings of INFAMY
  141. Attack On USA Sovereignty 
  142. Illicit Trade Deals
  143. Congressional Abdication of Duties

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