Thursday, April 27, 2017

2018 and 2020 Vote For a Congress of the People to Support Your Next POTUS

Please re-tweet these tweets 
as often as is needed to elect 
A Congress of the People


Vote in a Congress to support your next POTUS
POTUS must have support of Congress to govern
by 2020 House can change 100% 2x & Senate 1/3 2x

'18 & '20 Vote 4 a Congress to support your next POTUS
POTUS must have a Congress to govern
by 2020 House can change 100% x2 & Senate 1/3 x2

A "Stalking Horse" challenges someone on behalf of an anonymous third party

A "Stalking Horse" challenges someone on behalf of an anonymous third party

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

The expression is generally used in politics and business. In politics, the circumstances are an attempt to bring down a powerful leader, usually by members of their own party. In business, the circumstances are an attempt at testing the market for a potential (hostile) takeover of a business. In each case, there is the clear understanding that the anonymous party, whether a company or an individual, has a valuable reputation that could be damaged by the failure. The stalking horse is an exercise in assessing accurately the degree of risk, so that a full-blooded challenge is only mounted by the main party when there is a real likelihood of success.

The loser in the exercise appears to be the stalking horse. If the idea is viable or popular, the stalking horse person will be sidelined and the anonymous figure will take over the concept themselves. If the concept proves unpopular, the stalking horse will suffer any negative reaction. The understanding is that the anonymous party is a major player, perhaps only a little weaker than the target itself, and the stalking horse is a minor figure who has little or no reputation to lose. The anonymous figure is not sufficiently powerful, or does not have sufficient confidence in that power, to risk a direct attack first off, and the stalking horse is a form of distraction tactic to enable better positioning.

In politics, the stalking horse figure can expect patronage from the senior figure they are assisting. In business, an associated company that acts as a stalking horse may be given a share in the contracts or the market share that will result from the demise of the business rival. The loyalty in volunteering, or agreeing to be "volunteered", will ensure that their name becomes known to those with power and should guarantee help in advancing their interests. As a weaker player, they can afford to wait a while for the due reward.

Alternatively, the "horse" may be acting in a more altruistic and self-sacrificial manner, knowing that there is no possibility of realistic reward from the third party for the exercise, and instead being motivated by duty or loyalty to do so for the greater good of the party, organization, or cause to which they both belong. In this case, the "horse" will probably not be a young person hoping for advancement, but an older figure at the end of their career, who volunteers as a gesture of gratitude for all the benefits they believe the cause has given them, or as a chance to go out in a blaze of glory.

In the event of failure, the anonymous party is seen as being sufficiently powerful to protect the "horse" from any real retribution on the part of the target, particularly since the anonymity will allow the third party to step in and pretend to be an honest broker between the "horse" and the target. This is a further opportunity to enhance the reputation of the third party and boost their status at the expense of the target. If the exercise is viable, the third party gains power immediately, but even if it fails it engineers an opportunity to resolve a stalemate and enhance the contender's reputation, so that ultimate success is another step nearer, to the benefit of both the third party and the "horse", who expects to slipstream in its wake.[1][4][5]

Related concepts

One related concept is the smoke screen. Like a stalking horse, smoke screens are used to screen and mask an attack. In the literal and genuine form, the smoke screen is still a device used in warfare (in defence as well as attack), but the term is also commonly used as a metaphor. A stalking horse would be a particular form of smoke screen.

Another concept is that of kite-flying. The stalking horse pretends to be interested in a concept themselves, but in reality they are testing an idea for another. Likewise, in journalism, the term "flying a kite" takes the metaphor of the child's toy to mean advancing a concept in which one has no personal belief, or for which one has no reliable evidence, as a similar exercise in "testing the waters". Another similar metaphor is that of a trial balloon. Different examples may provoke different responses. Some may be directed to play to the readers themselves. The idea is "to provoke a response where otherwise there would be none". Like the stalking horse, the means is to use a spurious debate to provoke a real one. The difference is that the concept is advanced, not an individual. In one form of "flying a kite", a journalist claims to be acting on a behalf of a real but anonymous person, while in reality they are acting for themselves; this would be the opposite of the stalking horse.

Another concept is collusion. The difference here is that collusion usually refers to the situation of the first and third parties both declaring themselves openly to the target, but each pretends to be independent of anyone else and acting solely for themselves, whilst in reality they are acting in concert, in joint enterprise and to mutual advantage, at the expense of the target. If one party acts aggressively and the other sympathetically towards the target, it may be an example of good cop/bad cop. In the stalking horse scenario, the first and third parties are still acting in concert and in joint enterprise and still at the expense of the target, but only the first party, the "horse", is openly dealing with the target. In addition, they are not acting to immediate mutual advantage; rather, they are acting to advantage only the third party (the anonymous party), who, at a later date, should in turn give reward to the first party (the "horse").

Another related idiom is that of the puppet-master. One person (the "horse") dances like a puppet on the stage, but another (the anonymous figure) is the one who is actually pulling the strings, unseen by all. The stalking horse appears to be acting for and as themselves, but there are others in the shadows. The difference is that the Ă©minence grise or puppet-master is definitely controlling the puppet, but the stalking horse may not always be acting on the orders of, or to the benefit of, a particular individual; they may instead be acting for a cause, in the hope that some individual will be inspired to enter the fray and take over.

The concept of a "sacrificial pawn" is also in some ways similar to that of the stalking horse. In the game of chess, a pawn may be advanced in the knowledge that it will definitely be lost, but will, in so doing, force out an enemy piece of much higher value and make that piece much more susceptible to attack. This image is also in common usage as an metaphor. The difference with the stalking horse is that not only is the outcome not known at the outset but, furthermore, that it cannot reasonably be estimated without a proper reconnaissance. Therefore, unlike the pawn, the horse might have a good chance of survival. Either way, the "horse" will not benefit from the initial exercise.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Trump Upsets His Base Over Decision To Bomb Syria

Exclusive Interview - Michael Savage on The Alex Jones Show - Tuesday 4/11/17

The Savage Nation April 11,2017 Podcast - Michael Savage Nation 4/11/17                    via @YouTube

What Really Happened: Michael Rivero (Mike Rivero) Tuesday 4/11/17

Monday, April 10, 2017

One Continuous 100 Year War

Cowboys Shooting From the Lip
Shoot First Don’t Ask Questions
Obama’s Syrian Red Line Resurrected
Regime Change Policy Reiterated

WWI, WWII & Cold War
Including All Wars in between
And Possible WWIII
All One Continuous War
False Flags Red With Blood

100Years of War
Deep State Planning More
Too Many Not Voting
Democracy Not Working
Bombing Countries By the Score

Thursday, April 6, 2017

RonPaulLibertyReport - Streamed live 22 hours ago: Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing...Or False Flag?

RonPaulLibertyReport -Streamed live 22 hours ago

Just days after the US Administration changed course on Syrian President Assad, saying he could stay, an alleged chemical weapon attack that killed dozens of civilians has been blamed on the Syrian government. Did Assad sign his own death warrant with such an attack...or does some other entity benefit?

Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing...Or False Flag? 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Ray McGovern on Needed Reforms of Intelligence Community and The Deep State Assault on Elected Government Must Be Stopped

Ray McGovern on Needed Reforms of Intelligence Community

Published on Jan 12, 2017
During our January 10, 2017 interview with Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) Co-Founder Ray McGovern (CIA analyst 1963-1990), McGovern discusses the kind of leadership and reforms necessary to restore integrity and trust to the U.S. Intelligence Community 

Ray McGovern: The Deep State Assault on Elected Government Must Be Stopped

Published on Apr 2, 2017
You may not like everything Donald Trump does, but will you let the CIA and GCHQ remove him from office? Ray McGovern, a 27-year veteran of the CIA and co-founder of VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) speaks on Trumpgate: the hogwash claims that Vladimir Putin put Trump in power and runs his policy. This isn't true, and represents, not a Democrat-Republican fight, but a fight between elected government and the Deep State  via @YouTube

Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern: Full LPAC  2+ Hour  Interview

Published on Jan 16, 2017
On January 10, 2017, Co-Founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Ray McGovern (CIA analyst 1963-1990), sat down with LaRouchePAC's Jason Ross to discuss claims of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections. In this 2+ hour interview, the two discuss the source of the constant Russia-baiting of the Obama Administration, the pivot to Asia, the history and corruption of the U.S. intelligence community and much, much more.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Blame Russia for the Loss; Six Ways from Sunday; A Battle Royale Ensues; Spooks Distract, Distort, Divide and Confuse

Sanders Cheated and Bows to Bosses
$1.2 Billion of Clinton Supporter Losses
Busted Election, No Coronation
Deep State/DEMs Explanation
Blame Russia for the Loss

Regime Change Gets a Boost
Chickens Come Home to Roost
The Deep State Way
Six Ways from Sunday
Spooks Tighten the Noose

A Battle Royale Ensues
MSM Uses Fake News
POTUS Fights Back
Challenges Fake News Hacks
Spooks Distract, Disrupt, Divide and Confuse

Election Cheating Fallacy
Popular Vote Fantasy
Old McCarthyism’s Revived
WikiLeaks worked with Russia
POTUS Colluded with Russia
Deep State Illegal Surveillance
Unmasking Felonies