Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Big Brother in America was a big boost given.
Signed into law by an automated pen.
The American Constitution not amended.
Martial law is not yet recommended.

Only one in the Senate stood against.
The rest showed little angst.
What is it that American government has become.
When politicians wrapped in the flag defeat the constitution.

[We] should look forward to a time,
and that not a distant one,
when a corruption in this,
as in the country from which we derive our origin,
will have seized the heads of government,
and be spread by them through the body of the people;
when they will purchase the voices of the people,
and make them pay the price.
Human nature is the same on every side of the Atlantic,
and will be alike influenced by the same causes. —


We The People” must take our country back.
Representative government is what we lack.
All Americans must join together to take the country back.
From the greedy and corrupt Reagan/Bush rat pack.

In November 2012 voting only for the best.
Clean out House of Representatives corrupted nest.
In the Senate remove the Reagan/Bush racketeering batch.
Other Senate obfuscation wizards, not so hard to catch.

From the government the “Party of No” must be ejected.
Honest Senators and Congressmen must be protected.
We know who they are, and won't forget what they've done.
A strong turnout, voting wisely, and a new government is born.
"The spirit of our citizens,...
rising with a strength and majesty
which show the loveliness of freedom,
will make this government in practice
what it is in principle,
a model for the protection of man
in a state of freedom and order."
--Thomas Jefferson

Friday, May 27, 2011


In secret meetings Reagan/Bush racketeers conspire.
So minions as President and in Congress they could sire.
A Supreme Court Justice to their meeting “just stopped by”.
It's Our Country, state by state, these cultists will buy.

The Reagan/Bush racketeers march in goosestep formation.
Dissembling free speech with black propaganda and misinformation.
Reporting the news and political content in their media untruthfully.
Reagan/Bush racketeers have taken over the Republican party.
The influence over government
must be shared among all the people.
If every individual which composes their mass,
participates of the ultimate authority,
the government will be safe;
because the corrupting the whole mass
will exceed any private resources of wealth;
--THOMAS JEFFERSON, Notes on Virginia

Thursday, May 26, 2011


The Republican Party has been hijacked.
By a brood of radical elements it is backed.
Radical elements called President Eisenhower a Communist.
For tirades – Out the Republican Party they were kicked.

Republican radical elements are back in full bloom.
Inherited wealth of radical descendants is their boon.
Preaching their previously failed lame idiotocracy.
They attempt to dissemble American Democracy.
The time to guard against corruption and tyranny
is before they shall have gotten hold of us.
It is better to keep the wolf out of the fold,
than to trust to drawing his teeth and talons
after he shall have entered.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Middle Class Republicans have buyers remorse.
In political races they backed the wrong horse.
After losing their dream, savings, home and job.
What they have left the Reagan/Bush cabal tries to rob.

Enlightened Republicans overcome ingrained reluctance.
Inspired Republicans exhibit Progressive truculence.
Realizing their Republican Party has been hijacked.
Non-delusional Republicans have become Democrats.
"Enlighten the people generally, 
and tyranny and oppressions 
of body and mind will vanish 
like spirits at the dawn of day."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Independents and Democrats must form a strong confluence.
To sweep out of government the Reagan/Bush racketeers' influence.
American representative government is in a downward spiral.
To save democracy, Independent and Democratic union is vital.

Independents and Democrats as one voting block must unite.
To remove from government the Reagan/Bush corrosive blight.
Republicans enlightened to the Reagan/Bush racketeers' evils.
Should renounce the “party of No” nay-saying destructive devils.

American representative democracy must succeed and thrive.
A coalition of Independents and Democrats can keep America alive.
All Americans must join together to take the country back.
From the greedy and corrupt Republican Reagan/Bush rat pack.
In every government on earth
is some trace of human weakness,
some germ of corruption and degeneracy,
which cunning will discover,
and wickedness insensibly open, cultivate and improve.
Every government degenerates
when trusted to the rulers of the people alone.
The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories.
And to render even them safe,
their minds must be improved to a certain degree.
This, indeed, is not all that is necessary,
though it be essentially necessary.
THOMAS JEFFERSON, Notes on Virginia


Bin Laden is dead.
Maybe this, maybe that.
Like a dog chasing a cat.
Misguided intellectual exuberance.
Aids anti-democratic governance.

Instead of unsupported liberal supposition.
Why not support a true factual position.
American democracy is under attack.
Thanks to those who push back.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Tax breaks to the rich Reagan/Bush gave.
Added to the nation's debit unpaid.
Afghanistan and Iraq war costs paid by credit.
Added to America's unpaid debit.

Unfunded Part D Medicare benefit.
Reagan/Bush's blow to America's unpaid debit.
Part D benefit needed to win the 2004 election.
Seniors tricked by another Reagan/Bush deception.

Will the American electorate ever learn.
Reagan/Bush racketeers set America to burn.
Kleptocrats that induced government corruption.
Hope to preside over American democracy's destruction.

The Reagan/Bush racketeers did their best.
Extending wealth and power of special interests.
All Americans must join together to take the country back.
From the greed and corruption of the Reagan/Bush rat pack.
According to the Medicare trustees, Part D
created a $9.4 trillion unfunded liability
over the next 75 years. “
Paul Krugman - Part D, revisited, December 29, 2009

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Reagan/Bush racketeers are forces of darkness.
They bought and paid for both houses of Congress.
Reagan/Bush racketeers, minions, clowns and twits.
Act to destroy American democracy's gifts.

Malefactors of America finance democracy's dysfunction.
Destroying representative democracy with greed's corruption.
Democrats and Independents must preserve democracy's might.
All Americans must now vote against evil's descending night.

American democracy is in a knockdown, drag-out fight.
Democrats and Independents must flex their might
All Americans must join together to take the country back.
From the greed and corruption of the Reagan/Bush rat pack.
Mankind soon learn to make interested uses
of every right and power which they possess, or may assume.
The public money and public liberty,
intended to have been deposited with three branches of magistracy,
but found inadvertently to be in the hands of one only,
will soon be discovered to be sources of wealth
and dominion to those who hold them;
distinguished, too, by this tempting circumstance,
that they are the instrument, as well as the object, of acquisition.
(emphasis added)

THOMAS JEFFERSON, Notes on Virginia

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Middle class Republicans are out in the cold.
The art of bamboozle has them in its hold.
Middle class Republicans are the nation's greatest suckers.
Confused and dispossessed they ignore Democratic benefactors.

Their thinking is faulty they can't think clearly.
They betray democracy which so many paid for dearly.
The Republican middle class is not capable of thinking.
They refuse to believe that their middle class is shrinking.

Reagan/Bush racketeers, the Republicans staunchly represent.
Republicans' war on the American middle class is clearly evident.
Many Americans have lost their dreams, homes, savings and jobs.
What they have left the Republican Reagan/Bush rat pack robs.

Middle class Republicans will be blind loyalists to their very end.
Headed to history's dung heap they will not dogmatically bend.
The American middle class is the ruling class' pawn.
The Reagan/Bush racketeers plan to make the middle class gone.

With the American middle class facing extinction.
Their dreams, wealth, homes and jobs vanishing like an illusion.
All Americans must join together to take the country back.
From the greed and corruption of the Republican Reagan/Bush rat pack.
One of the saddest lessons of history is this:
If we've been bamboozled long enough,
we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.
We're no longer interested in finding out the truth.
The bamboozle has captured us.
It is simply too painful to acknowledge
-- even to ourselves --
that we've been so credulous [gullible].

Finding the occasional straw of truth awash
in a great ocean of confusion and bamboozle
requires intelligence, vigilance, dedication and courage.
But if we don't practice these tough habits of thought,
we cannot hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us
-- and we risk becoming a nation of suckers,
up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along. (emphasis added)

-- CARL SAGAN, "The Fine Art of Baloney Detection," Parade, February 1, 1987

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

NOVEMBER 22, 1963

John F. Kennedy was killed November 22, 1963.
One of the free world's greatest days of infamy.
A great American President was dead.
Fifty years of wars lie directly ahead.

Eisenhower's warning was superseded.
Because a great war machine was needed.
Political leaders deceived the country.
Defense contractors raked in the money.

Under false pretenses patriots are sent to fight.
Enemies within plan to destroy democracy in the night.
Americans must all turnout and vote to take the country back.
Soundly defeating the Reagan/Bush racketeering rat pack.
"No nation can preserve its freedom
in the midst of continual warfare." James Madison

Sunday, May 15, 2011


The Oval Office secured on questionable evidence.
The Supreme Court decided the relevance.
A Pearl Harbor size catastrophe's timing convenient.
Neocon literature's call for a New Pearl Harbor a coincidence.

3 buildings falling at 32 feet per second per second.
19 Al-Qaeda to blame, the government reckoned.
Pentagon hit between corridors 4 and 5 to the “C” Ring
No wreckage sighted, no questions, a strange thing.

Terrorist camp in Afghanistan a reason for war.
Invasion of Afghanistan didn't go far.
Pivot to Iraq Invasion on weak evidence.
The taste for war raised by heightened virulence.

Tony Blair brings alliance and questionable documents.
Iraq's oil booty a master race's succulents.
Weapons of mass destruction stifles dissent.
Visions of mushroom clouds over America sent.

Weapons grade anthrax makes its rounds.
Anthrax DNA within U. S. war machine bounds.
Mission accomplished; proclaimed theatrically.
No end to the war; the obvious reality.

Terrorist attack alerts elevated.
Concern for the great terrorist evaporated.
The terrorist an asset on the loose.
Fear and terror put to good use.

Joe Wilson didn't play the game.
Someone outed Valerie Plame.
Search for who outed her name.
Cheney's Chief of Staff found to blame.
"Naturally the common people don't want war: …
...That is understood. But, after all,
it is the leaders of the country
who determine the policy
and it is always a simple matter
to drag the people along, ...
...Voice or no voice,
the people can always be brought
to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy.
All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,
and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism
and exposing the country to danger.
It works the same in any country." 
 --Herman Goering; Nuremberg trials

Saturday, May 14, 2011


The term means rule by thieves.

A kleptocracy is a pejorative for a government
PERCEIVED to have a particularly severe and systemic problem
with the selfish misappropriation of public funds by those in power.

The term is applied to a government subject to control fraud
that takes advantage of governmental corruption
to extend the personal wealth and political power
of government officials and the ruling class 
(collectively, kleptocrats),
via the embezzlement of state funds
at the expense of the wider population,
sometimes without even the pretense of honest service.
"Decency, security and liberty alike demand
that government officials shall be subjected
to the rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen.

In a government of laws,
existence of the government will be imperiled
if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. 

Our government is the potent,
omnipresent teacher.

For good or for ill,
it teaches the whole people
by its example.

Crime is contagious.

If the government becomes a lawbreaker,
it breeds contempt for the law;
it invites every man to come a law unto himself.
It invites anarchy."

(United States v. Olmstead, 277 U.S. 438 (1928).  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Congress and Assemblies are given representative power.
In the face of the special interests' wealth they cower.
Taking money from the special interests' cult of the sociopath.
The government of America has surrendered to graft.

Time after time they regularly mishandle people's business.
While they curry favor and donations from special interests.
Often, nearly unanimously, agreeing to take this country to war.
But about the interest of the people they hem and they haw.
"The liberties of our country,
the freedoms of our civil Constitution
are worth defending at all hazards;
it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.
We have received them as a fair inheritance
from our worthy ancestors.
They purchased them for us
with toil and danger
and expense of treasure and blood.
It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy
on the present generation, enlightened as it is,
if we should suffer them to be wrested from us
by violence without a struggle,
or to be cheated out of them
by the artifices of designing men."


Middle class Republicans are the nation's greatest suckers.
Confused and depressed they ignored Democratic benefactors.
Many have lost their dreams, homes, savings and jobs.
What they have left the Reagan/Bush rat pack robs.

Republicans' war on the middle class is clearly evident.
Reagan/Bush racketeers, the Republicans staunchly represent.
The Republican middle class is the ruling class' pawn.
The Reagan/Bush racketeers plan to make the middle class gone.
Finding the occasional straw of truth awash
in a great ocean of confusion and bamboozle
requires intelligence, vigilance, dedication and courage.
But if we don't practice these tough habits of thought,
we cannot hope to solve the truly serious problems that face us
-- and we risk becoming a nation of suckers,
up for grabs by the next charlatan who comes along. (emphasis added)

-- CARL SAGAN, "The Fine Art of Baloney Detection," Parade, February 1, 1987

Monday, May 9, 2011


All Americans should use their 20/20 hindsight.
To see this country ruined by the Reagan/Bush blight.
Hedge funds glutted with tax cut investors.
Attracted by hedge fund profit tax favors.

Bubble after bubble the hedge funds created.
Bursting the bubbles, the hedge funds' greed not sated.
The hedge funds and bankers combined their expertise.
To foreclose middle class homes, and their wealth to fleece.

This tax cut investors cabal created the housing bubble.
Then burst it and added that to the country's trouble.
Republican economists conjectured in their parlance,
Alluding to soft spots, and irrational exuberance.

Bailouts to criminal bankers increased our debt.
Two wars, unpaid for, bloated the deficit.
A plan to “starve the beast, Bush's finale dissemble.
Caused the U.S. Treasury to tremble.

Attempts to destroy the new Democratic Presidency.
To return the White House to a Republican residency
A second great depression is the Reagan/Bush legacy.
Nearly destroying this nation with its racketeer mentality.

The “Party of No” dissembled with tax cuts for the rich.
And dissembled further to keep the country stuck in a ditch.
Criminal bankers and mortgagors forgiven and bailed out,
Large corporations paid no taxes, due to corruption's clout.

With the American middle class facing extinction.
Dreams, wealth, homes and jobs vanishing like an illusion.
An uninformed electorate seeking instant gratification.
Voted in many states for the stealthy Reagan/Bush faction.

For the middle class, the people of Wisconsin made a stand.
Giving hope, freedom and democracy a much needed hand.
Wisconsin's shout was heard around the country and the world.
With it, renewed American hope and determination unfurled.

The corrupt and greedy Reagan/Bush racketeer's gall.
Set up this country and its democracy to take a fall.
All Americans must join together to take the country back.
From the greed and corruption of the Reagan/Bush rat pack.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Sane Republican candidates are hard to find.
So Republicans put into office the crazy kind.
Middle class Republicans are incredibly credulous.
Voting for candidates with virtues, talent and agendas too nebulous.
"There is a natural aristocracy among men. 
The grounds of this are virtue and talents...

There is also an artificial aristocracy 
founded on wealth and birth, 
without either virtue or talents;

for with these it would belong to the first class...

The artificial aristocracy is a mischievous ingredient in government,

and provision should be made to prevent its ascendency."