Monday, August 15, 2016

Pick Your 5 or 10 most important political issues. Then vote for candidates that support those issues #FollowYourConscience & #CleanOutCongress

Currently the USA has one party with two names (GOP/DEM) that represents corporate interests; NOT the best interests of  “We The People Of The United States Of America”

Clean Out the U.S. Senate: 
34 U.S.Senators ARE UP FOR RE-ELECTION on Tuesday, NOV 8, 2016

Is Your U.S. Senator Up for Re-Election & a supporter your most important political issues?



Clean Out the U.S. House of Representatives:
ALL 435 U.S. Representatives ARE UP FOR RE-ELECTION on Tuesday, NOV 8, 2016

Your U.S. Representative IS UP FOR RE-ELECTION. 
Is Your U.S. Representative a supporter your most important political issues?


Your most important political issues will become law only if you elect a Congress that supports your most important political issues.The Congress Rules the Roost.  

It's a "Double Whammy" Congress Makes the Laws and the POTUS carries out the laws.

DNC Hillary Backed Candidates (which also Includes Many GOP Hillary Supporters in Congress) Owe Their Existence to Corporate Contributors.  Not to You and Me.

#ChangeCongressTogether: #Never Hillary #BernieOrBust #Berniecrats  Independents, Greens, #GOPexit #DEMexit #Millenials #NonVoters #Libertarians and all other democracy loving Americans


No Matter Who Wins The Presidency on Tuesday, NOV 8, 2016 Your most important political issues will become law only if you elect a Congress that supports your most important political issues.

Tuesday, NOV 8, 2016 CLEAN OUT CONGRESS & ELECT SUPPORTERS OF Your most important political issues for the 34 Senate seats and 435 House of Representives seats UP FOR RE-ELECTION on Tuesday, NOV 8, 2016-  (see maps above)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

CLEAN OUT CONGRESS NOV 8 Elect a New Congress for 34 Senate seats and 435 House of Representives seats - (see maps)

Clean Out the Senate: Hire New Senators for:
34 Senate Seats contested on Tuesday, NOV 8, 2016


Clean Out the House of Representatives: Hire a Complete New House of Representatives for ALL 435 House seats contested on Tuesday, NOV 8, 2016

The Congress Rules the Roost.  Think About It.
It's a "Double Whammy" Congress Makes the Laws and the POTUS carries out the laws Or Can Be IMPEACHED by Congress. 

@SENSanders May have lost the election: But @BernieSanders @SenSanders issues will become law only if a new congress is elected:

TO MAKE @BERNIE SANDERS’ ISSUES LAW:  Bernie Sanders Supporters MUST ELECT a Congress that represents the issues Bernie Sanders campaigned for in his Bid for President of the United States.

Currently the USA has one party with two names (GOP/DEM) that represents corporate interests and not the best interests of  “We The People Of The United States Of America”

DNC Hillary Backed Candidates (which also Includes Many GOP Hillary Supporters in Congress) Owe Their Existence to Corporate Contributors.  Not to You and Me.

Bernie Sanders Lost the DEM Primary due to Democratic National Committee (DNC) BIAS and IMPROPRIETIES and ALLEGED ELECTION RIGGING, etc.

If you are or were committed to the #Sanders Revolution #ChangeCongressTogether with Sanders Supporters, #Never Hillary #BernieOrBust #Berniecrats  Independents, Greens, UnhappyGOP #UnhappyDEM #Millenials #NonVoters #Libertarians and all other democracy loving Americans


No Matter Who Wins The Presidency on NOV 8, 2016 A Congress that supports @BernieSanders @SenSanders Issues are Guaranteed to Pass Congress and become law.

NOV 8, 2016 CLEAN OUT CONGRESS: ELECT SUPPORTERS OF @BernieSanders @SenSanders for 34 Senate seats and 435 House of Representives seats -  (see maps above)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

"Trump has raised several key issues which challenge the Democratic and Republican elite"

Read This Article and decide for yourself: 
"Trump has raised several key issues which challenge the Democratic and Republican elite.
Trump has drawn mass support and won elections and public opinion polls by:
(1) rejecting the free trade agreements which has led major multinationals to relocate abroad and disinvest in well-paying industrial jobs in the US
(2) calling for large scale public investment projects to rebuild the US industrial economy, challenging the primacy of financial capital.
(3) opposing the revival of a Cold War with Russia and China and promoting greater economic co-operation and negotiations.
(4) rejecting US support for NATO’s military build-up in Europe and intervention in Syria, North Africa and Afghanistan.
(5) questioning the importation of immigrant labor which lowers job opportunities and wages for local citizens.
The anti-Trump elite systematically avoid debating these issues; instead they distort the substance of the policies."