Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Without "Noble Men" There Can Be No "Noblesse Oblige": The Emerging New World Order of, Vulture Capitalists, Banksters, Rigged Elections, Survival of the Richest, Endless War, Scare Mongers, Hate Mongers, Lies and Deceit, Regime Change, Scum Bags, Sociopaths, etc.

Noblesse oblige is a French phrase literally meaning "nobility obliges". It denotes the concept that nobility extends beyond mere entitlements and requires the person who holds such status to fulfill social responsibilities, particularly in leadership roles.
  1. Whoever claims to be noble must conduct himself nobly.
  2. (Figuratively) One must act in a fashion that conforms to one's position, and with the reputation that one has earned.
The Oxford English Dictionary meanwhile says that the term "suggests noble ancestry constrains to honorable behavior; privilege entails to responsibility."

"Noblesse oblige" is generally used to imply that with wealth, power, and prestige come responsibilities.
In ethical discussion, it is sometimes used to summarize a moral economy wherein privilege must be balanced by duty towards those who lack such privilege or who cannot perform such duty. Finally, it has been used recently primarily to refer to public responsibilities of the rich, famous and powerful, notably to provide good examples of behaviour or to exceed minimal standards of decency.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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