Sunday, July 23, 2017

Make America Great Again - ONE COUNTRY INDIVISIBLE: DNC/DEM/NEOCONs Soft Coup Insurrection. Can Result In Our World's Self Destruction.

Make America Great Again

Destroying USA Democratic Republic

Deep State Does What It Does Best

Deep State Is Splitting USA in Two
Divide and Conquer is What They Do

Deep State is Scheming and Plotting
To Keep USA Republic Slowly Rotting 

So Many In Vain Have Died
For Constitution That Is Set Aside

While Voters are Watching and Hoping
The Greatest Majority is Not Voting 

When USA is Split
We Need Bipartisanship 

It's Time to Stop Doting
It's Time to Start Voting 

Clean Out Congress in 2018 and 2020

100% of House and 1/3 Senate
Can Be Fired In BOTH 2018 and 2020 

DNC/DEM/NEOCONs Soft Coup Insurrection.
Can Result In Our World's Self Destruction
The Doomsday Clock Has Moved To 2 ½ Minutes to Midnight via @YouTube 

Peace On Earth We Can Know.
We Shall Reap What We Sow.
Greed and Corruption Vying.
Bombs and Missiles Flying.
Climate Deniers Lying.
Mother Earth Dying.
Future Clarifying.
End Horrifying.
All Dying.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Doomsday Clock moved to 2 ½ minutes to midnight

Doomsday Clock moved to 2 ½ minutes to midnight via @YouTube

Peace On Earth We Can Know.
We Shall Reap What We Sow.
Greed and Corruption Vying.
Bombs and Missiles Flying.
Climate Deniers Lying.
Mother Earth Dying.
Future Clarifying.
End Horrifying.
All Dying.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

#MAGA #OneCountryIndivisible Splitting USA in Two Not So Smart To Do

Splitting USA in Two
Not So Smart To Do
When USA is Split
Time 4 Bipartisanship
Voters Watching
Deep State Plotting 

Doomsday Clock moved to 2 ½ minutes to midnight via @YouTube

Peace On Earth We Can Know.
We Shall Reap What We Sow.
Greed and Corruption Vying.
Bombs and Missiles Flying.
Climate Deniers Lying.
Mother Earth Dying.
Future Clarifying.
End Horrifying.
All Dying.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Deep State: Discussions and Opinions (Including Ike and JFK) of What It Is All About

Rare video 1961 speech President & WWII General Dwight D Eisenhower warns us of the New World Order aka Military Industrial Complex.

JFK's Speech about Secret Societies    
         The speech that probably cost him his life. 
         God bless America's last real president.  via @YouTube  

The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight

Mike Lofgren, a congressional staff member for 28 years, joins Bill Moyers to talk about what he calls Washington's "Deep State," in which elected and unelected figures collude to protect and serve powerful vested interests. "It is how we had deregulation, financialization of the economy, the Wall Street bust, the erosion or our civil liberties and perpetual war," Lofgren tells Moyers

Greenwald: Empowering the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying Democracy

Some supporters of Trump, including Breitbart News, have accused the intelligence agencies of attempting to wage a deep state coup against the president. Meanwhile, some critics of Trump are openly embracing such activity.

What Is The Deep State? Explained

In this video, we explain the buzzword of the week, Deep State. Ever since Donald Trump has taken office this issue has come up many times with what looks like an internal power struggle in the White House. With people being compromised and leaks flowing to the main stream media we try to give you some context to this important story and what is really happening.

Anatomy Of The Deep State: An Open Conspiracy

What is the "deep state"? Is it some murky conspiracy that lurks in Washington's dark fringes? As guest Mike Lofgren, author of "The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government" points out, the deep state actually operates out in the open and is almost completely overlooked.

Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald Discuss Deep State War Vs  Trump

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Isn’t It Time To Investigate the Investigators Investigating “The Nothing Burger”

Appearances of Impropriety
Questions of Sobriety
Justice & Democracy Disrespected
DNC/DEM/NEOCON Coup Suspected
Aligning The Malignant Mentality

The Nothing Burger vs. The Something Burger

7/24 Update:  ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence Challenged!!
Memo to President Trump by
Former U.S. intelligence officers
And NSA specialists

Neocons Enlist in Anti-Trump #Resistance
“The neocons, who have influenced U.S. foreign policy since the 1980s, inflicting grave damage on U.S. interests and the world, are reinventing themselves as soldiers in the anti-Trump #Resistance…”

Forgetting the ‘Dirty Dossier’ on Trump
“...The New York Times long ago cast aside any journalistic professionalism to become charter members of the #Resistance against Donald Trump. But the latest frenzy over a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer who was dangling the possibility of information about the Democrats receiving money from Russians represents one of the more remarkable moments of the entire Russia-gate hysteria.”

Ten Problems with Anti-Russian Obsession
 “Is this effort to indict Russia and condemn Trump based on facts or political opportunism? Does it help or hurt the progressive cause of peace with justice? Following are major problems with the “anti-Russia” theme, starting with the lack of clear evidence”.

Hiding US Lies About Libyan Invasion
“In 2016, when a British parliamentary report demolished the excuse for the U.S. and its allies invading Libya in 2011, it should have been big news, but the U.S. mainstream media looked the other way…”

MSM, Still Living in Propaganda-ville
“As much as the U.S. mainstream media wants people to believe that it is the Guardian of Truth, it is actually lost in a wilderness of propaganda and falsehoods, a dangerous land of delusion that is putting the future of humankind at risk as tension escalate with nuclear-armed Russia.”

The Democrats’ Russia-gate Obsession
“Some leading Democrats in Congress are eager to turn the summit meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin away from avenues for improvements in U.S.-Russian relations, even if that means deflecting it toward World War III.”

The Price of America’s Endless Wars
“Official Washington likes to think of its wars as “humanitarian,” supposedly bringing “democracy” to faraway lands, but the wars really bring death, destruction and despair…”

The Democratic Party’s Deadly Dead-End
“By playing for centrist and neoconservative votes, national Democrats have left the party floundering with no coherent political message and creating a daunting challenge for democracy”

Playing Chicken with Nuclear Annihilation
“Much of Official Washington wants to escalate the confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia, ignoring the terrifying reality that this game of chicken could end life on the planet…”

Foisting Blame for Cyber-hacking on Russia
“Cyber-criminal efforts to hack into U.S. government databases are epidemic, but this ugly reality is now being exploited to foist blame on Russia and fuel the New Cold War hysteria…”

NYT Finally Retracts Russia-gate Canard
“A founding Russia-gate myth is that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that Russia hacked into and distributed Democratic emails, a falsehood that The New York Times has belatedly retracted, reports Robert Parry.

The New York Times has finally admitted that one of the favorite Russia-gate canards – that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies concurred on the assessment of Russian hacking of Democratic emails – is false.

On Thursday, the Times appended a correction to a June 25 article that had repeated the false claim, which has been used by Democrats and the mainstream media for months to brush aside any doubts about the foundation of the Russia-gate scandal and portray President Trump as delusional for doubting what all 17 intelligence agencies supposedly knew to be true.”

Democrats Face Failing Russia-gate Scheme
“The plan for Democrats to run against Russia may be falling apart.

After squandering much of the last six months on faulting Russians for the horrific presidency of Donald Trump… After blaming America’s dire shortfalls of democracy on plutocrats in Russia more than on plutocrats in America… After largely marketing the brand of their own party as more anti-Russian than pro-working-people… After stampeding many Democratic Party-aligned organizations, pundits and activists into fixating more on Russia than on the thousand chronic cuts to democracy here at home… After soaking up countless hours of TV airtime and vast quantities of ink and zillions of pixels to denounce Russia in place of offering progressive remedies to the deep economic worries of American voters…

Now, Democrats in Congress and other party leaders are starting to face an emerging reality: The “winning issue” of Russia is a losing issue.”

Intel Behind Trump’s Syria Attack Questioned
“The mainstream media is so hostile to challenges to its groupthinks that famed journalist Seymour Hersh had to take his take-down of President Trump’s April 6 attack on Syria to Germany, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern.

Legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh is challenging the Trump administration’s version of events surrounding the April 4 “chemical weapons attack” on the northern Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun – though Hersh had to find a publisher in Germany to get his information out.

In the Sunday edition of Die Welt, Hersh reports that his national security sources offered a distinctly different account, revealing President Trump rashly deciding to launch 59 Tomahawk missiles against a Syrian airbase on April 6 despite the absence of intelligence supporting his conclusion that the Syrian military was guilty.”

A Baseless Justification for War in Syria
“For almost 16 years, the U.S. government has stretched the military force authorization against Al Qaeda to justify a wide-ranging “war on terror” but now has gone further, attacking the Syrian military inside Syria…”

“U.S. government officials, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., claim the current U.S. authority to mount military operations in Iraq and Syria is legally based on the Authorization for the Use of Military Force [AUMF] declaration to go after Al Qaeda and related terror groups after the 9/11 attacks in 2001. But how does that cover the recent U.S. attacks on Syrian government forces that have been battling both Al Qaeda and its spinoff, Islamic State?”

Policing ‘Truth’ to Restore ‘Trust’
The U.S. mainstream media insists it just wants “truth” algorithms to purge “fake news” from the Internet, but the real goal seems to be restoring public “trust” by limiting what the people get to see

Behind the ‘Scapegoating’ of Russia
“The media/political hysteria over Russia-gate is leading the world to possible nuclear annihilation with few serious questions asked. But a new book, The Plot to Scapegoat Russia, tries to supply some context”

Deep History of America’s Deep State
Everybody seems to be talking about the Deep State these days. Although the term appears to have entered the lexicon in the late 1990s, for years it referred only to shady foreign governments, certainly not to our own “indispensable nation.”
“Does the sudden presence of an American Deep State – loosely defined as an unelected elite that manipulates the elected government to serve its own interests – pose a novel, even existential, threat to democracy?”

How America Armed Terrorists in Syria
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” to curb weapons going to Al Qaeda-linked jihadists in Syria, has attracted only 14 co-sponsors pointing to hypocrisy in the “war on terror,” as Gareth Porter explained at The American Conservative.

Three-term Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a member of both the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees, has proposed legislation that would prohibit any U.S. assistance to terrorist organizations in Syria as well as to any organization working directly with them. Equally important, it would prohibit U.S. military sales and other forms of military cooperation with other countries that provide arms or financing to those terrorists and their collaborators.

Gabbard’s “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” challenges for the first time in Congress a U.S. policy toward the conflict in the Syrian civil war that should have set off alarm bells long ago: in 2012-13 the Obama administration helped its Sunni allies Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar provide arms to Syrian and non-Syrian armed groups to force President Bashar al-Assad out of power. And in 2013 the administration began to provide arms to what the CIA judged to be “relatively moderate” anti-Assad groups — meaning they incorporated various degrees of Islamic extremism

Russia-gate Flops as Democrats’ Golden Ticket
“The national Democrats saw Russia-gate and the drive to impeach President Trump as their golden ticket back to power, but so far the ticket seems to be made of fool’s gold, writes Robert Parry.

The national Democratic Party and many liberals have bet heavily on the Russia-gate investigation as a way to oust President Trump from office and to catapult Democrats to victories this year and in 2018, but the gamble appears not to be paying off.

The Democrats’ disappointing loss in a special election to fill a congressional seat in an affluent Atlanta suburb is just the latest indication that the strategy of demonizing Trump and blaming Russia for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 defeat may not be the golden ticket that some Democrats had hoped.”

Ed Schultz stands up to Obama big time over TPP. Bernie Sanders is also in the video.

DNC Fraud Lawsuit Update: DNC's Lawyers Stoop to New Low
“Upon the announcement of the DNC fraud lawsuit, the DNC immediately filed a motion to dismiss the suit altogether, and this request went before a judge in the first hearing this week. Throughout the course of the hearing, the DNC's attorney's stooped to a new low in their legal defense of the DNC, alleging big wigs with cigars can unilaterally select the Party's nominee behind closed doors without any input from voters. So in an effort to avoid this lawsuit, the DNC's attorneys are admitting—on the record—that the Party doesn't have to be democratic.”

DNC/DEMS/NEOCON/Warmonger Regime Change Wars:
Never Forget: 
Obama Becomes First Nobel Peace Prize Winner 
To Bomb 7 Countries

Never Forget: DNC/DEMs/HRC
Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi
"We came, We saw, He died"  via @YouTube

Trey Gowdy on Hillary Clinton's
"What Difference Does It Make"  via @YouTube