Rare video 1961
speech President & WWII General Dwight D Eisenhower warns us of the New
World Order aka Military Industrial Complex.
https://youtu.be/rd8wwMFmCeE via @YouTube
The speech that probably cost him his life.
bless America's last real president.
via @YouTube
The Deep State Hiding
in Plain Sight
Lofgren, a congressional staff member for 28 years, joins Bill Moyers to talk
about what he calls Washington's "Deep State," in which elected and
unelected figures collude to protect and serve powerful vested interests.
"It is how we had deregulation, financialization of the economy, the Wall
Street bust, the erosion or our civil liberties and perpetual war,"
Lofgren tells Moyers
via @YouTube
Greenwald: Empowering
the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying
supporters of Trump, including Breitbart News, have accused the intelligence
agencies of attempting to wage a deep state coup against the president. Meanwhile,
some critics of Trump are openly embracing such activity.
https://youtu.be/jY1MiNfwcRg via @YouTube
What Is The Deep
State? Explained
this video, we explain the buzzword of the week, Deep State. Ever since Donald
Trump has taken office this issue has come up many times with what looks like
an internal power struggle in the White House. With people being compromised
and leaks flowing to the main stream media we try to give you some context to
this important story and what is really happening.
via @YouTube
Anatomy Of The Deep
State: An Open Conspiracy
is the "deep state"? Is it some murky conspiracy that lurks in
Washington's dark fringes? As guest Mike Lofgren, author of "The Deep
State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government"
points out, the deep state actually operates out in the open and is almost
completely overlooked.
via @YouTube
Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald Discuss Deep State War
Vs Trump
original article here: http://ibankcoin.com/zeropointnow/2017/01/13/tucker-carlson-and-glenn-greenwald-discuss-deep-state-war-vs-trump-while-ex-spook-hints-at-assassination/#sthash.HDacu4ho.dpbs
via @YouTube
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