Sunday, August 25, 2019

What is the Irish backstop and why is it blocking Brexit? Phoebe Cooke 23 Aug 2019, Updated: 23 Aug 2019, 21:38

"...In the event the backstop came into force, Northern Ireland would remain a member of the single market until a trade agreement had been reached to keep the border effectively invisible.
That would mean goods crossing the Irish border would not be subject to checks for customs or product standards.
The whole of the UK would also remain in a common customs territory with the EU, meaning there would be no "tariffs, quotas, rules of origin or customs processes" applied to UK-EU trade.
The arrangement would keep the Northern Irish border open and minimise economic damage, but would also mean the UK would temporarily have to go on following the EU's rules and regulations without having a say in deciding them...."
read all about it:
What is the Irish backstop?
Why is it blocking Brexit?
Why has the Irish backstop been controversial?
What's next?


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