Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Durham Throws a Monkey Wrench in Horowitz’s Dumb Show Roger L. Simon 1December 9, 2019 Updated: December 10, 2019

"When Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz published his report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation, some of us began to suspect that he was the deep state’s most clever ultimate protector."
"The IG’s strategy was to find a long list of malfeasances with which to excoriate an institution, in this case, the FBI—abuses that might, under normal circumstances, land multiple people in jail—slap the miscreants firmly on the wrist, and then let everyone off at the end with a disingenuous excuse ...".
"Thus, the organization is preserved—they don’t call Horowitz an “institutionalist” for nothing—and life goes on as before, with only the slightest cosmetic alterations."
"Except, within hours of the release of the report, along comes U.S. Attorney John Durham—who has been investigating much of the same territory but with a wider berth and prosecutorial powers—to spoil the occasion:"
"“Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.”"
"Predication is, of course, the heart of the matter. Just why did the FBI open an investigation of Trump–Russia collusion that proved, after nearly two years, to be nonexistent? Was there real justification somewhere, no matter how obscure, as the IG suggests, or was it a set-up, as implied in Lee Smith’s recent book “The Plot Against the President”?"

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