Thursday, March 17, 2011


I'm from Illinois. In Illinois we have our governors make our license plates.

When I made this statement to a fellow retiree from another state he said that I was wrong. He said that he read somewhere that his state had more public servants in jail than any other state. (I'll have more to say about political corruption later.)

I'm strongly supporting Wisconsin's fight. I've been writing poems about the "Wisconsin 14" and sending them to Progressive Radio hosts, and many others, including all of the "Wisconsin 14".
But Wisconsin's fight is not only about Wisconsin. Presently there is a serious threat against democracy in several states as well as a threat to the the United States in particular.

Many states voted for candidates who were “Trojan horses loaded with hidden agendas and false promises.”

One of the hidden agendas that these Trojan horses have revealed to their constituents is a desire to crush unions.

An apparent “Trojan horse” was unmasked in Wisconsin thanks to the "Wisconsin 14". Because of that public unmasking, the whole Country is indebted to the “Wisconsin 14" for giving us all time to think and digest what is happening.

Now all the people of the United States can relate to what is happening throughout the Country and especially in their own states.

Michigan, Indiana, New Jersey, Ohio and a great many other states including Wisconsin, are having "buyers remorse" over the candidates they voted into offices in their states in November 2010.

In actuality, what these states, and many other states are fighting is an apparent plan by certain special interests (“tyrant and their minions”) to seriously hinder voter turnout for the 2012 Presidential election by crushing unions and thereby reducing or eliminating their membership's participation in getting out the vote.

If enough of these states lose their battles against these special interests - you ain't seen nothin' yet.

I try to briefly and concisely describe this dire situation - the destruction of democracy in the United States of America – by using simple language using the least amount of words.

I do this by writing poetry because I feel that most Americans get political news in “thirty second news bites”. Much if not most of the “thirty second world” will be supported and spread by the special interests through the main stream media which they own.

Democracy needs an informed electorate to survive. Since the United States Supreme Court ruled that special interests' corporations can talk, the people of the United States will have a harder time deciding what is true and what is bullshit. This is especially true because the special interests' corporations have acquired control of the main stream media an now control the flow of information to the public. The main stream media has demonstrated time after time that they cannot be relied upon to provide an unbiased reporting of news and especially political news and discussion.

When I was growing up we had a saying : “MONEY TALKS AND BULLSHIT WALKS” If someone made an inaccurate or false statement they would be challenged to “put their money where their mouth is”.

Most of the American people know bullshit when they hear it. What we need to do is to vote against the bullshit spread by the special interests through their hoards of corporations and their armies of minions.

This country is choking on bullshit fed to us by special interests and their army of well paid minions. The trouble is some of it was gobbled up as the truth.

According to most, if not all, public opinion polls, politicians in general have the lowest ratings in our society.

Political corruption may be one reason that so many people are disenchanted with politics and politicians.

Why vote if you no longer believe in the political process anymore?
Why vote if you believe that your vote doesn't count?.
Why vote if you believe all politicians are crooks?
Why vote if you believe that all politicians sold out to the special interests?
Why vote if you believe corporate special interests have taken over the government?

The answer to these questions is:

If you don't vote WISELY, your right to vote will be taken away from you! -You ain't seen nothin' yet - MAYBE!

Hopefully my poems might inform motivate and perhaps even inspire the American people to get out and vote against the bullshit and the bullshitters everywhere.

Whether the bullshitters are Republican or Democrat doesn't matter. This fight that we all are in, is not about whether your Republican or Democrat or Independent or Carpetbagger or Teabagger.

The fight we are in is about political corruption and the sellout of the middle class and the American dream.

As I said at the beginning of this article:

I'm from Illinois. In Illinois we have our governors make our license plates.

I've posted my poems at my GOOGLE page: and on Thom Hartman's blog page.
Please take the time to read my poems at:
best regards,
Mike from Illinois

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