Wednesday, June 1, 2011




A cult of Reagan/Bush sociopaths in America run rampant.
Believing wealth instead of democracy should be dominant.
Malefactors of America finance democracy's dysfunction.
Subverting democracy with greed and corruption.

Dominant medias promoting their peculiar point of view.
Keeping Americans as ignorant as monkeys in the zoo.
Minions, clowns and twits provide barrages of disinformation.
Creating automatons marching in goose step formation.

By disuse some American's brains degenerate to snot.
An original thought they may forever have not.
Expertise limited to eating, drinking, sleeping and hating.
Believing what political minions, clowns and twits are saying.

There are so few Reagan/Bush racketeers, only a few millions.
Many millions more are courtiers, sycophants, and minions.
Yet so few against these oppressors, with their votes, will stand.
Non-voters are the traitors to democracy's law of the land.

Pitiful disinterested non-voters betray all of America's rights.
They need to redeem themselves and join in democracy's fights.
Assassins of liberty and freedom will be non-voters labels.
If through non-voter's inaction, American democracy fails.

American democracy is in a knockdown, drag-out fight.
Democrats and Independents must flex their might
All Americans must join together to take the country back.
From the greed and corruption of the Reagan/Bush rat pack.
[We] should look forward to a time,
and that not a distant one,
when a corruption in this,
as in the country from which we derive our origin,
will have seized the heads of government,
and be spread by them through the body of the people;
when they will purchase the voices of the people,
and make them pay the price.
Human nature is the same on every side of the Atlantic,
and will be alike influenced by the same causes. —

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