Thursday, December 15, 2011


Los Angeles' vote was heard the world.

Signaling new hope for democracy unfurled.

LA's vote of December 6, 2011 will go down in history.

Who controls the U.S. Government is not a mystery.

“Citizens United” allows bought politicians set our country’s course.

This Supreme Court decision is greed and corruption without remorse.

“Citizens United” sends government corruption up like a rocket.

The 1% has the United States Government in their pocket.

In the Unites States, both red and blue, “We the People reside.

With the 1% and the Supreme Court “We the People” divide.

80% of Americans are against the “Citizen's United” decision.

This errant act by the U.S. Supreme Court ignited a revolution.

The 1% have corrupted American Government long enough.

“We the People” must remove the Congressional money trough.

LA voted for a democracy saving U.S. Constitution Amendment.

Eliminate the power of the 1% to take over the U.S. Government.

Democracy in America must be here to stay.

The 99% must help “THE MOVE TO AMEND” save American Democray.

Regain the American dream: JOIN THE RACE TO AMEND!

“In 2012, Move to Amend and Move to Amend Los Angeles are kicking off the Race to Amend, a relay race of Americans running, walking, skating and biking across the country to galvanize support for this critical issue for our democracy. We will carry the U.S. Constitution, like the Olympic Torch, from person to person in a continuous chain of democracy activists. Along the way, a support team will do teach-in about Citizen's United, how corporations have hijacked our democracy and what we can do about it.

We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United decision, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights. In a democracy, the people rule.”

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