Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The GOP accepts Ayn Rand's promotion of greed.
Republican Party renounces democracy’s creed.
GOP Politicians and judges enable voter suppression.
"We the People" cheated out of our representation.

Congress orders the Post Office to go bankrupt.
USPS made a plum for Congress’ friends to pick up.
Corporations globalized to maximize tax evasion.
Shipping jobs overseas caused USA desolation.

Corporate welfare drains the treasury’s coffers.
The well-heeled few provided with welfare sources.
Social Security and Medicare slowly dissipated.
The middle class standard of living emaciated.

Weaken Social Security until it’s ripe for privatizing.
Plans to drain Social Security by slick trick profitizing.
Privatize Medicare in order to save it.
Make Medicare another source of profit.

Privatize schools to control what students learn.
Make education a source of profits for the few to earn.
Government forced probes of vaginas.
Misogynists target women with vendettas.

Pro-birth anti-abortionists neglect poorly fed children.
Poorly educated children an egregious American sin.
Revolving door enriches the few.
Congress can find nothing constructive to do.

Plutocratic ideologues dictate government policy.
Congressmen swear to support disproven ideology.
Availability of guns cause the slaughter of the innocents.
NRA  proposes more guns in schools is nonsense.

Banks that are too big to fail are too big to exist.
To uphold justice Eric Holder resists.
Planet destroying tar sands strip mine in Alberta, Canada.
Fossil fuel profits overrule the people of North America.

Corporations are not people, and money is not speech.
Democracy is silenced when corporate money speaks.
We the People are ignored and sorely neglected.
To the rich 1% the GOP Congress has defected.

GOP Congress Of  No policies are crazy.
GOP Congress Of No prey on the intellectually lazy.
The Republican Party is taking our democracy away.
Vote 2014/16/18 to insure democracy in USA  is here to stay.

The cup of the rich few is filled to overflowing.
Their greed driven largess is steadily growing
The Peoples’ half-filled cup steadily drains.
The rich few are usurping America’s dreams.

Fiscal Cliff Medicare $500 Million Heist revealed.
Medicare $500 million given to the “well–heeled”.
Wise old senators bilk $500 million from Medicare.
Of Senators McConnell, Hatch and Baucus beware.

Three or Four SCOTUS Judges ripe for impeachment.
Progressive Congress may consider SCOTUS indictments.
Polls rate U.S. Congress less than 10% favorable.
Corporations buying Congress is very affordable.

Regulatory capture only one of Government dysfunctions.
Revolving Door Regulators fail to enforce regulations.
GOP Congress Of No does nothing constructive.
Toward the middle class GOP policies are destructive.

It’s not surprising Congress is less popular than Cockroaches.
The GOP tries to obfuscate their messages as 2014 approaches.
Republicans and some Democrats leave America to rot.
Bamboozled Americans keep voting for more of what they got.

The election of 2012 increased the Progressives in Congress.
GOP Congress Of No continues to  hold up Progress.
Enormously profitable corporations pay no taxes and get rebates.
Enormously wealthy citizens pay taxes at the lowest rates.

GOP balances the budget on the backs of the poor.
USA has a revenue problem the GOP  ignore.
Tar sands oil will destroy forestland the size of Illinois.
KXL pipeline provides world killing profits for GOP rich boys.

GOP greed so pervasive they can't think clearly.
GOP betray democracy which so many paid dearly.
Billionaires donate BIG$$$ to discredit climate change science.
Special interests fund the GOP to maintain fossil fuel reliance.

The GOP leaves USA infrastructure to rot.
The GOP insures our children will have naught.
GOP-CON can’t find a tax loophole they dislike.
Politicians find war after war for our boys to fight.

Our country’s energy policy is a national disgrace.
U.S. Power from nukes, wind and solar can easily replace.
Hedge funds drive up prices with tax cut dollars.
Increasing prices insure the poor and middle class suffers.

Bubble after bubble the hedge funds create.
The bubbles burst and our wealth they take.
Fossil fuels are polluting the air, land and sea.
GOP refuses the USA a Global Warming remedy.

What Reagan GOP did is not a riddle.
Reagan shifted taxes from the top to the middle.  
A do nothing GOP Congress in circles is racing.
The GOP in 2014/16/18 needs complete replacing.

Our country is racing toward perilous shoals.
Republicans and some Democrats sold their souls.
30 years of tax cuts for the rich led to our present plight.
Vote progressive to preserve our and our children’s rights.

In 2007 the Republicans drove our country into a ditch.
GOP-CON wants to take from the poor to give to the rich.
Drill baby drill will bring more pollution.
More nuclear is a problem, not a solution.

Our states are not real estate for the rich few to take.
The future of the USA is “We the People’s” to make.
Marching off to another war we may be going.
To the military our tax dollars are kept flowing.

About obsolete nuclear plants we should worry.
Spend tax money here, before off the war we hurry.
Our country’s infrastructure is rotting to the core.
We should care about USA’s future a whole lot more.

GOP SCOTUS proclaims that money is Constitutional speech.
Move To Amend rejects this SCOTUS Constitutional breach
GOP SCOTUS rules that some people are corporations.
Democracy destroyed by these SCOTUS proclamations. 

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