Friday, September 21, 2018

#3 UPDATE 9/25: NYT Reported Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Recording Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment to remove @POTUS Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.

Rosenstein called the Times story "inaccurate and factually incorrect."

Who is telling the truth?
Is It Just More Down and Dirty Deep State Swamp Politics?
Watch for "non-denial-denials" and "parsing of words".
Hopefully accuracy and factual correctness will prevail.
Surely more sources, details and controversy to come.
And we haven't heard any name calling yet.

New York Times Article: 
Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Recording Trump and Discussed 
25th Amendment to remove @POTUS Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.

Reports: Rosenstein Talked of “Wearing a Wire” Against Trump and “Invoking 25th Amendment”….
"Today, some element within the Administrative State, likely Andrew McCabe or Robert Mueller, is reported as a source for a New York Times article claiming Rosenstein told officials in Andy McCabe’s office that he was willing to “wear a wire”, and solicit members of the Trump cabinet (Jeff Sessions, John Kelly) to invoke the 25th amendment...
...You can call it a soft-coup, or you can call it politicization of the DOJ and FBI, but the end result is the same – the intentional effort to manipulate, influence, and ultimately subvert an election for the presidency of the United States…


WASHINGTON (AP) — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussed secretly recording President Donald Trump last year.
"...first reported by The New York Times, which also said that he raised the idea of using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump as unfit for office."


9/22 update:
Gregg Jarrett: Rod Rosenstein's coup attempt to depose Trump should not go unpunished
"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s actions, as recounted by the New York Times Friday, are the equivalent of an attempted coup -- a plot to overthrow the president."
" He [Rosenstein] solicited others to wear wires, including Andrew McCabe, who was later fired as Assistant FBI Director. Rosenstein is said to have discussed recruiting cabinet members to depose Trump under the 25th Amendment."

"Rosenstein strongly denied that the facts recounted by the Times."
"Additionally, Rosenstein also said this in a statement: “I never pursued or authorized recording the President and any suggestion that I have ever advocated for the removal of the President is absolutely false.”
"So who is telling the truth?"

9/23 update:

Lisa Page Took Rod Rosenstein's Trump Tape Talk Seriously
Two sources told The Daily Beast that
FBI lawyer Lisa Page was present for Rod Rosenstein's comments
on secret recordings and did not believe he was joking or being sarcastic.

Rod Rosenstein’s days numbered after bombshell NYT report?
NYT’s Mike Schmidt,
former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance,
former CIA, Pentagon Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash,
former FBI assist. Director Frank Figliuzzi, and
WaPo WH bureau chief Phil Rucker
on the new report detailing Rod Rosenstein’s discussion about recording Trump, 25th amendment

ABC confirming NYT scoop - Rosenstein told McCabe he could recruit Trump cabinet to invoke 25th Amendment

Sunday Talks: Tom Fitton Discusses McCabe and Rosenstein With Maria Bartiromo...  via @thelastrefuge2

Sunday Talks:
House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte
Discusses Kavanaugh Confirmation,
McCabe and Rosenstein Corruption...

Sunday Talks:
Chairman Devin Nunes Discusses McCabe -vs- Rosenstein on FISA Abuse...

House Judiciary Committee Plans to Subpoena McCabe Memos Outlined in New York Times Reporting....
“The bigger revelation here is how someone, some unknown FBI officials, kept the McCabe  memos from congress and subsequently from a previous internal INSD investigation of McCabe.” …
“…This friendly custody process ultimately kept those memos from Inspector General Michael Horowitz who wrote an entire 2018 IG report on McCabe without having that 2017 documentary evidence for citation...  via @thelastrefuge2

9/25 update:

Rod Rosenstein’s Resistance
[Parsing "non-denial-denial" and explaining]  "...moves from an emotionally overwrought deputy AG eager to ingratiate himself with Democrats”
" The Times account is based on multiple unnamed sources and draws on memoranda about interactions with Rosenstein, written by the FBI’s former deputy director, Andrew McCabe, and other officials. The Times creates ambiguity about whether its journalists have actually seen these memos.”
“Yet, the report subsequently adds a quote from McCabe’s lawyer, Michael Bromwich, who says his client “has no knowledge of how any member of the media obtained those memos.”

“There’s no reason for the White House to fire Rosenstein;
his own conduct has put himself into a virtual corner…”
..Andrew McCabe is openly telling his allied media he has evidence (memos)
that will implicate Rosenstein in the plot, scheme and soft-coup..”  via @thelastrefuge2

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